Wednesday, 30 October 2019

Welcome back wanderers, to a welcoming Wednesday!

Welcome back wanderers, to a wonderful Wednesday in Springbrook!
Wednesdays are great for wandering but they are also a good day for being back at home on the hill. Welcome back to the mountain to those who have been away for a little while.

BoM is still telling us cloud but no rain till the weekend and that's starting to look like it might actually happen... get those vege seedlings into the garden today!

Springbrook Craft Group are meeting today at 10am at the Lost Fawn Cafe. All types of crafters and their crafts are welcome. Just turn up and hang out with the crafty ladies! Lots of yummy things on offer at the Lost Fawn for morning tea!

Dont forget it's the Mens Shed AGM this Saturday, so if you're a member, you'll need to pop in for the meeting at 9.30am.

Bioblitz is on in Austinville this weekend for the wildlife lovers out there. Google it and find out more. It's a chance to work with scientists and experts and learn more about the unique wildlife in our area.

Thanks Council for all our flash new street signs! They look very smart.

The school gardening project is looking for bamboo for their cucumbers  and hardwood sleepers for their compost heap. If you have any you can donate, call the school on 5548 3333.

Make welcome people in your world today. See how many hugs you can give and receive before the sun sets. We wont need to know about your after dark cuddles though!

Wander. Wonder. Welcome. Its Wednesday and it's a great day for all those things!

See you there!

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