Community Calendar

The Springbrook Community Calendar

  Please contact the individual groups at this time to check their current activity status.

**Updated: April 2024

Active Walk to school Day
Playgroup at Springbrook State School, 9am. Contact the school for more details
Mobile library, fortnightly outside Numinbah Valley School 
Yoga, 6pm at the hall
Men's Shed open from 9am. All men welcome 
After School Skate Park day, 3pm to 4pm at the skate park behind the hall
Shanghai Darts Club, 7pm at the hall.
SES training 7pm to 9pm at the SES shed behind the hall
Tuck Shop orders for Friday lunch need to be in by 12pm today!
Springbrook Craft Group meet 10am at a local cafe
Kids Dance classes at the hall - Tint Tots 4pm, Kids 4.30pm
Yoga 5.45 at the hall
2nd Wednesday – SMCA meeting 7.15pm at the Hall
3rd Wednesday - Ambulance training
School Gardening project 8.30am to 9am for students
School Uniform shop open 8.45 - 9am Thursdays only.
Men's Shed open from 10 am. All men welcome
Wing Chung Kung Fu children 4.30pm. Adults 5.30pm at the hall

Library day at the school - pack your books in your bag!
3rd Friday of the month Anglican Service, 10.30am at the Observatory
Locals night at the Springbrook Cafe and Bar from 4pm. Meals from 5.30pm.
Last Friday of the month, Community Cuppa 10.30am at various cafes. Check the SMCA social media pages for details
2nd Friday Ladies Lunch 11.30am at various Cafes. Check the SMCA social media pages for details

Mens Shed open from 9am. All men welcome
Springbrook "Garden Group" 2pm to 4pm at various gardens on the FIRST Saturday of the month

Springbrook Tennis Club meets for an informal hit at the courts behind the hall around 4pm
Springbrook Mountain Markets 4th Sunday of the month, 10am to 2pm at the Fudge Shop
Speed trap Sunday - keep an eye out for the Coppers
Keep an eye out for Damo and drop in for a chat and to check out his artwork 
Road side stall day - Echo Valley, the Sanctuary,  Sustainable clothing stall, Seedbank seedling stall, The Emporium and the three Book Nooks.


Like the SMCA on Facebook & Instagram
For more information on each activity
and info about other Springbrook
events and happenings!

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