Gas, Water & Wood suppliers

 Due to the more isolated and far flung nature of our village, having adequate supplies of water in our tanks, gas in our bottles and wood in our stacks is important at different times of the year and espcially important in power cuts, road cut off and other emergency situations.

*Please note, all prices and contacts are given here in good faith but are subject to change.


Put in the biggest tanks you can afford. When it rains, you will fill them. When it stops raining and you run low or out, and there's no rain on the horizon - you'll have to pay for a tanker to bring you a supply of water from the coast. Its illegal to pump out of the streams or to get water from a source that isn't Council approved.

There are a number of companies who will bring truck up to Springbrook and pump into your tanks. Take that into account when installing your tanks.


*All prices subject to change - obtained from online sites winter 2019 - for comparison only.

  •  Sam's Water Cartage 0407 698 903

$250 for 8000 litres 

  • Ross's Water Deliveries: 0417 794 733

$300 for 13,000 litres

$300 for 10,000 litres

$270 for 9,000 litres

  • Ross Water Deliveries 0417 794 733
$300 for 13,000 litres
  • Timberlea Water : Graeme 0403 662 368
$340 for 12,000 Litres
  •  Springbrook Water Deliveries.
13,000 litres $420 . 
Gas Suppliers:
Having gas for cooking and/or heating is a good idea considering the amount of times we have power cuts here on the mountain.

  •  24/7 Gas: $125 for a 45KG bottle delivered. Neil 0404 957 248  
  •  Tally Valley Gas:  5533 8102
 Fire Wood:

Having a wood fire is a way of making sure you can heat your home in the winter if we lose power and is a great way of using up the sticks and branches that are likely to fall into your yard every year.
Firewood Delivery | Bellingen, Coffs Harbour | Valley Tree Services
  • Echo Valley Farm Stall: $5 per bag 
  •  Mountain Hire: $150 per trailer load pick up or $180 delivered.
  • Phil Thompson, Numinbah Valley: 0408 336 121 $90 per ute/trailer pick up.
  • Carl: 0408 332 454 $125 ute/trailer pick up 
  • Dean : 0411 181 811 $170 per load delivered 

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