Tuesday, 15 October 2019

A changeable Tuesday is on the Cards for today!

A changeable Tuesday is on the cards today. BoM says it might rain or it might not. We could have a thunderstorm today or maybe Thursday. Or maybe not. Definatly a day for quick plan changes or even changes of clothes if you get caught in the unpredictable rain! Definitely an umbrella day for all the mountain walkers today!

If it's been put in place, you should be able to order School Tuck Shop from The Lost Fawn today for Wednesday delivery. If you're interested in mid week tuck shop, pop in and chat to them about it.

Theres Yoga with Helen 9am at her studio, 1947 Springbrook Rd this morning if you didnt make it to last nights class at the hall. Always a good thing to do on a day like this!

With the time machine plans under consideration, the Men's Shed is now discussing locations and time zones to visit in it over their morning cuppa. The shed opens at 9am, cuppas about 10.30 if you're keen to add your 2c worth.

Perisai Diri Silat is on at 6pm at the Hall tonight no matter what the weather does. Great all year, all weather, local sport to get involved with!

Have you done any tank tapping lately?
That Springbrook ritual of banging on the sides of the tanks to see how much water is in them? The tapping noise you hear after the rain stops is not water dripping off the trees but Springbrookians checking their water levels!

Great Gardening weather out there at the moment. Dont forget the gardening club is meeting this Satuday at 2pm at the Mens Shed.

Ladies Lunch on Friday. Have you booked? And Cuban Dance on Saturday night. Still lots of fun to be had!

Stay dry. Enjoy the intermittent rain. And may your tank tapping bring a smile to your face today!

See you there!

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