Sunday, 1 December 2019

A chatty Tuesday has arrived...

A chatty Tuesday has arrived here on the mountain. A great day for chatting to family, friends neighbours and complete strangers. Afterall, Springbrook is full of them!

BoM has changed things up a bit with a prediction of a 40% chance if 1-2mm of rain tomorrow.  Something to chat about while you put your rain dancing shoes on!!

Chat to Charles today while you put in your school Tuck Shop orders at The Lost Fawn today for Wednesday delivery.

Chat with Helen at Yoga, 9am at her studio, 1947 Springbrook Rd this morning.

Chat over a cuppa around the table of knowledge at the Mens Shef from 9am this morning.

Perisai Diri Silat is way too energetic to chat and is on at 6pm at the Hall tonight!

Stalls still available for the Twilight Christmas Markets at Numinbah on Sunday. Contact them through the NV school of arts hall facebook page. Only $10 a marquee.

This month, November's Community Cuppa will be next month. Or next month will be the months before's Community Cuppa. month will be this months Cuppa. However one phrases it... The next occuring Community Cuppa will be at Dancing Waters Cafe Monday December 2nd from 10:30am.

Dont forget to book your seat at the last long table dinner at the Springbrook Gastronomic and Arts Society French themed long table dinner on Saturday night. Details on their facebook page.

Chat, rain dance, have a cuppa and repeat. It's that kind of day today!!

See you there!

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