Monday, 19 August 2019

What a magnificent Monday!

What a magnificent Monday we have on the mountain today! Sunrise is about a minute earlier each day at the moment and will be at 6am by the end of next week. What can you do with the extra bit of the morning? Try Gökotta. It's a Sweedish practice but very relevant to Springbrook!

School library day today! Dont forget to pack your books in your bag!

Our fantastic Playgroup is at the school 9.30am to 11am today. All littlies welcome. Its completely free and lots of fun. If you're new to the mountain, pop in today and check it out!

NO YOGA at the hall tonight. It will be on Wednesday night instead. Helen has a meeting in Brisbane she cant get out of.

Have you seen our latest burnt out car on Pine Creek Road? Take a photo and send it to Glenn Tozer and see if we can get it moved under a month this time...

If the weekends parking was a bit over the top for any residents this weekend with that bush walking club up here on Sunday, send a few photos or just write to council and TMR and let them know how it is for you.

Miss Hoskins, our school principal is off on long service leave to Africa at the end of this week for a month! Mr Akhtarkhavari (known as Mr A) is taking over the Prep to year 2 class and is looking forward to his time in Paradise with us. Have fun in Africa Miss Hoskins, don't get eaten by a hippopotamus  please! Welcome Mr A, we hope you enjoy your time with us!

Have a magnificent mountain Monday, slow down, (its road safety week) try some Gökotta, and enjoy the glorious weather Mother Nature has put on for us today!

See you there!

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