Sunday, 18 August 2019

A simply sunny Sunday!

A simply sunny Sunday again here in Paradise! Lots of sunshine with 20° plus days and a few more chilly nights down to 4° are on the horizon for us this week. Another perfect week in Winter!

Our Sunday Afternoon People are hanging out together this afternoon from 3pm to make music and have a few laughs. A great group of local musicians that enjoy learning new things and trying out original music on each other. If you're keen to join in, call Cath on 0423414073

Sundays are a great day to visit friends, have an impromptu picnic or go on a rambling walk around the neighbourhood. Meet new people, say Hi to old friends and swap chutney recipes maybe?

Enjoy the sunshine here in our wee patch of Paradise, enjoy the people in our community and join in and try something new this week!

See you there!

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