Wednesday, 7 August 2019

Wednesdays are for weaving magic!

Wednesdays are for weaving magic! Sunrise and sunset almost exactly eleven hours apart at the moment. Have you noticed our days are getting a little longer each week? Forecast is for sun and scattered clouds for the next 7 days! Great time to go for a walk around our beautiful Paradise!

School banking day today! Pop your bank book in the school bag!

On Wednesdays, our crafty ladies (and a Gentleman or two) meet to craft and chat at the Springbrook Craft Group. 10am to 12pm at the hall. Bring your own craft and a plate to share for morning tea and come and chat n craft the morning away!

The Springbrook Community Library is open this afternoon from 3pm to 4pm for the swapping, donating and borrowing of all types of books. Pop in and check it out if you havent yet. It's a little Treasure trove of surprises!

Cuban Dance night on Saturday night 5.30pm to 7.30pm at the hall. Lots of people have started going to these. Come along and see what the fuss is all about. People with two left feet welcome and you dont need a partner!

The Springbrook Cafe and Bar is closed all day Friday as Donna and Brennan have a wedding to go to. They will open late on Saturday night instead with raffles etc at 6pm. Pizza too!

Weave magic today while you are out and about in our special patch of the world. Listen to the birds, admire the cloud patterns and watch a creek meandering it's way to the coast sometime today if you can.

See you there!

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