Friday, 21 June 2019

We've woken to a few Friday showers...

We've woken to a few Friday showers this morning as Mother Nature freshens up the mountain for the weekend for us!
There's an AA meeting, 4.30pm this afternoon at the hall, for those looking for a 12 step meeting to attend. New members and drop in welcome any time!
Are you collecting Woolworths stickers for the school? Drop them in the box outside Mudgerrabah Woolworths or into the school office. Its an easy fundraiser for the school that anyone can help with.

Slow down on the mountain today. The kids are back at school today after a great trip to the Brisbane Museum yesterday and the wildlife seems to be hanging out on the roads a lot lately. The rain can make it pretty slippery too. *Community Cuppa NEXT Friday, 10.30am at the Lost Fawn cafe. Pop it in your diary!
If you would like to contribute a photo to our community notices pages, please PM them to this page with the credit you'd like used ( your name, tag, handle or anonymous! ) and we will use them in our feed to illustrate our beautiful mountain environment to each other.

See you there!

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