Tuesday, 4 June 2019

Its Tuesday and its a windy one!

Its Tuesday and its shaping up to be a windy one today here in our mountain village! Check out some of the new signage at the Gwongarella Picnic area and also the Yowi nests...?

Helen has her Yoga class today, 9am at her studio at 1947 Springbrook Road, down by the split. A gold coin donation and a willingness to give it a go are all you need.

The mountain men are meeting at the shed this morning to figure out how to heat the place is the rumour! Did you know they have a huge solar array on the roof? Always good to know these things!

Perisai Diri Silat is an Indonesian martial art and has been held here on the mountain for around 20 years! Tonight at the hall from 6pm to 7pm. Just turn up and chat to Simon if you're interested in giving it a go.

Tomorrow night is the first game of the State of Origin. Numinbah hall has it on tbe big screen presumably with their bbq and beer on offer. A good place to watch the game with a crowd.

Craft group tomorrow is at Dancing Waters at 10.30am instead of at the hall. Bring your craft and enjoy Anastasias famous carrott cake and a coffee for a treat!

Slow down on the roads today, every chance of a tree on the road after all that wind last night. Stay warm. Stay safe.

See you there!

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