Thursday, 20 June 2019

Springbrook Seed Saving Network!

The Springbrook Seed Savers Network needs your help!
We are collecting seed of traditional and heirloom varieties of food, flowers, herbs, medicinal and of any other useful plants (fibres, fodder, permacultural, bush tucker, dyes etc). The idea is to
multiply our seedstocks and disseminate our saved seed regularly amongst ourselves primarily with the aim of being regenerative and self sufficient with this resource. One healthy lettuce plant can produce a
1000 seeds. And it's easy to see for ourselves how many seeds can be
saved from one pumpkin, capsicum, cucumber, tomato, marigold, sunflower
and so on.
Each generation of seed produced from our specific environment adapts to our conditions and will be more pest and disease resistant and productive than seed from any other source. We also have food security and resilience as a community.

Although we are the recipients of Eden's Seed Bank of 440 odd rare and
ancient heirloom varieties they are apparently of low viability and need
to be grown out and regenerated. At the same time we are collecting
seedstock of good viability from our local seed savers for ongoing multiplication and dissemination. In a short time there will be plenty for all. This is a non-commercial venture. The seeds in the bank are to
be given, not sold, to all contributors /participators/supporters.

Please consider making a donation of any size to establish our bank. The bulk of the set-up costs of equipment have been donated already to the tune of about $1500. Now a small amount of ongoing funds are required for regular packetting, labelling, indexing, postage, germination testing etc. Or if there's enough money we could even think about having a website.... All donors will be acknowledged in
Springbrook Voices.

Kay has offered a fridge for cool storage but we may need another. The Men's Shed has dedicated some garden beds for the regeneration and
multiplication of seedstock. Janie, Kay, Gina and Michelle have been
giving their time to packet, label and index Eden's Collection.

If you'd like to help out in anyway, contact Dee by text on 0438566080 or email her on
Love to have you on board! 💚Springbrook

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