Wednesday, 19 June 2019

Welcome to Wednesday!

Welcome to Wednesday here in Paradise! Another exceptional day in the making.

School banking today! Pop your book and cash into your school bag now while youre thinking about it!

The Springbrook Craft Group is meeting at Eva's today instead of the Community Hall. If you havent been there before, give Eva a call on 783 and she will give you the address. Bring your craft and a plate to share for morning tea.

The Springbrook Community library is open this afternoon from 3pm to 4pm with a wide variety of books to browsevthrough. Lots of kids books, lots of gardening magazines and lots of and lots of novels. Drop in and have a look this afternoon.

Womans Circle is on this evening, 7pm at the hall. Dress warmly, our favorite hall is quite chilly in the evenings! Gold coin donation.

Are you collecting the Woolies sticker for the school? If so, drop them to a school family, the school office or straight into the collection box outside the Mudgerrabah Woolworths.

Slow down in front of the school. Drive smarter, not faster and dont get caught in a speed trap!

Enjoy living in Springbrook and do some of the activities on offer today!

See you there!

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