Sunday, 15 September 2019

This week in Springbrook & Springbrook community notices!

This week in Springbrook!

😊 Monday Sept 16th
*School Library Day
*Playgroup at the school 9.30am to 11am. All littilies welcome.
*No Yoga at the Hall, 6pm Helen is at her last meeting in Brisbane tonight.
*Seen any abandoned, burnt out or smashed up cars over the weekend? Let council know on

πŸ˜„ TUESDAY Sept 17th
*Yoga with Helen 9am at her studio, 1947 Springbrook Rd
*Men's Shed is open from 10am
*Perisai Diri Silat is on at 6pm at the Hall.

πŸ˜‰ WEDNESDAY Sept 18th
*Springbrook Craft Group meet 10am at the hall. All crafts welcome. $3
*Yoga at the hall 6pm tonight! *Women's Circle meet at the hall 7pm.
*Ambulance training at the Fire Shed?

πŸ™‚ THURSDAY Sept 19th
*School Tuck Shop orders to Anastasia today for Friday lunch delivery. $5
*Before school yoga for students and parents at the school. 8.15am to 8.45am
*Men's Shed opens at 9am.
*Yoga with Helen, 9.15am at her studio, 1947 Springbrook Rd
*Perisai Diri Silat is on at 6pm at the Hall.
*Fire Brigade Training tonight, 7pm in the Fire Shed.
*The Pollinators Movie at HOTA tonight.

😁 FRIDAY Sept 20th
*Last day of term 3 today! Farewell Mr A. Come back and visit us again soon! *School Gardening Project 8am to 8.45am. Students and parents welcome.
*School Banking today
*Yoga with Danielle at the Numinbah Valley Hall, 9.30am
*Ladies lunch 11.30am at Dancing Waters cafe.
*AA meet at the hall 4.30pm.

πŸ˜ƒ SATURDAY Sept 21st
*School holidays start today!! *Men's Shed open at 9am
*Springbrook Tennis Club often meet for a hit at the courts behind the hall

😘 SUNDAY Sept 22nd
*Springbrook Commumity Holistic Health Check 9am to 12pm at the hall.
*Sunday Afternoon People meet to make music and have fun, Call Cath on 0423 414 073

Springbrook community notices!

Get your bush fire updates from the Queensland Fire and Emergency Services websites and social media pages. They have the correct and most up to date information on both their websites and phone apps. Remember, no news is good news from QFES!

Springbrook is under a TOTAL FIRE BAN. This means no outdoor flames whatsoever. We are so dry at the moment that it would take very little to set off a decent fire. Not something that anyone wants. Please be careful when using power tools and lawn mowers just in case a spark sets off a fire in your back yard.

Save your cash for containers bottles. Springbrook State Schools P&C will be doing an old fashioned bottle drive as their October Fundraiser. More details to come, just save the bottles!

"Strings under a Full Moon" tickets are now available online at eventfinder. Check out the Springbrook Gastronomical and Arts Society's latest event on their facebook page for all the details!

The Springbrook Natural Heath Network will be holding its first Community Holistic Health Check on September 22nd at the hall. Come along and meet our mountains natural therapists and have a chat about your health. Health talks, demonstrations and healthy food available. Gold coin donation. Kids welcome. No appointment needed. More info in Voices!

The Springbrook Community Library is inviting residents to create Book Nooks to place on their front fences for the residents of Springbrook to come and browse books at. They can be any shape, size and colour that you desire. They just need to be able to hold book and keep them dry and safe. You can register them as official street libraries if you like.  Lynne is happy to keep an eye on the books and to rotate and tidy up the book nooks each week as part of her community librarian duties. Be part of the Springbrook book nook book lovers community and build a book nook. You know they will come!

Tuck Shop is coming to the school next term!
You can order from the Lost Fawn on a Tuesday for Wednesday lunch and from Dancing Waters for a Friday lunch. Contact each cafe for prices and menus.

Our local Mens Shed exists for the wellbeing of our mountain men. They do many things there but they are not a place to drop off your broken goods for repair. If you know an individual who goes to the shed, he may be able to help you with a project but please do not drop in and bring things that need fixing. It's not what the shed is for. We have lots of local handy men who would be happy to help you with your handy man needs!

There is a "Thank a Firie" celebration night being planned at the Numinbah hall soon. Our Valley Cousins are nutting out the details now and as soon as they have it sorted, they will let us know. The NVRFB is still damping down and mopping up out at Nixons Creek so a few more days before we can party with them!

Many thanks to the dedicated and talented mob at QPWS for all their firefighting skills over in Numinbah and Binna Burra in recent days. It's sad that the park was closed but we are thrilled that you were part of the team that contained the fire and stopped it from coming any closer. Thanks also to SEQ Water Rangers, the guys n gals from the Urban fire fighters and also a few of our locals seconded to communications positions. Springbrook thanks you for your part in fighting these fires and is proud to to acknowledge your hard work and success in containing these fires! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

If water is a real problem for you on the mountain at the moment, dont forget you can do your washing down at the laundromats in Nerang and Mudgeerabah. If you're looking for water saving measures, check out this website for some good tips.

Roz Bates has an online hoon petition that can be accessed  
If you want to add your voice to this push to get some funding, get online and sign the petition and let's see if we can get a win for people power.

See you there!

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