Monday, 9 September 2019

Make no mistake, its Monday!

Make no mistake, its Monday! It's another glorious day on the mountain but with the fire in Binna Burra still on our minds. We are officially still on Stay Alert, so stay packed and ready to leave, as things can change so quickly.

School is still on this morning - sorry kids only Beechmont school has been closed, but it is library day today and we do like our books here in Springbrook!

Our fantastic little Playgroup is on this morning at the school. 9.30am to 11am. Come along and get support after our long weekend from other parents and carers and give your littilies some fun activities with other children today!

Feeling tense? Need to stretch and relax? Well, come to Yoga at the Hall at 6pm tonight. Helen will help get those knots out of your body and give your mind a chance to relax after the stress of the weekend.

The Springbrook National Park is still closed. Please respect the closure and stay out of the park and the campgrounds while our staff and equiptment are busy fighting fires over in Binna Burra. It will reopen as soon as it can.
Don't forget there is a total fire ban across the area. No naked flames under any circumstances.
It's been a long, stressful, sleepless weekend for most us all. Be patient and understanding with each other. We all cope with the stress of potential evacuation differently. Ask, are you ok? and let people talk today. Take time to care for yourself too. You can't help your friends and family effectively if you are too tired and too stressed.
Breathe. Relax. Hug. Cry. Have faith.

We are a strong, stroppy little community and any fire thinking of coming up here is gonna get a whupping from the incredible Rural Fire Service we have up here!
Stay in touch with real people. Get your information from official channels and keep your fire plan in mind. Stay safe. Stay  healthy. Stay calm.
See you there! 💚Springbrook

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