Saturday, 7 September 2019

It's a sit tight Saturday!

It's a sit tight Saturday for us here on the hill today.  The official status is still "Prepare to Leave". That means pack your car, know where you are going, advise your family and check on your neighbours. The QFES web pages are the best place to get your information from.
Our Mountain response teams are meeting this morning and we will report the official outcomes on this page as they advise us. In the meantime, get prepared to leave and tune your radio to 91.7fm. Lots of great information about bush fires and preparing for them coming from this station.
As information about each of todays planned activities comes to hand, we will update here.
Coastal High- CANCELLED
Mens Shed meeting - tbc
Numinbah Valley Movie- tbc
P&C Trivia - tbc
Stay safe. Pass on official information and if you are worried leave the mountain sooner rather than later.
Check on your neighbours. Knock on the doors of airbnbs and check they know where to get information and prepare to leave if we need to.

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