Saturday, 2 November 2019

Who woke up to a soggy Saturday?

Who woke up to a soggy Saturday? 😀 Its been good to get a bit of decent rain  for our thirsty rainforest and so the fire fighters can relax a little! How much rain did you get overnight?

BoM is saying rain this morning, clearing this afternoon. Cloudy tomorrow and some decent rain on Sunday and Monday. Looks like some fire, soup and Netflix weather is here!

The BioBlitz is on this weekend down at Austinville all weekend, working with scientists and other wildlife experts. Tickets may still be available online.

The Men's Shed opens at 9am for a bbq breakfast before the 9.30 AGM today. Great day to pop on, get fed and if you're lucky, get on the committee!

The Springbrook Tennis Club often meet for a hit at the courts behind the hall on Saturdays. It's another byo snorkle kind of a tennis day out there today!

Tomorrow is the first Sunday of the month and that means the Numinbah Valley markets are on! 8am to 1pm at the hall in Numinbah. Lotsa cool stalls, great breakfast, jumping castle and lots of people you'll know. It's a really really good morning out!

1st Sunday of the month also has our  Catholic Church Mass, 11am, 653 Pine Creek Rd. Just turn up. You'll be most welcomed.

And of course, our Sunday Afternoon People meet to make music and have fun on Sunday afternoons! Call Cath on 0423 414 073 for location and details!

Lots to do on a soggy Saturday, including going for a walk. If you're taking the baby out in the stroller today, he might need sox on! It's certainly cooler up here than on the coast today!

Nice to see the rain. Fantastic to hear it sloshing into the tanks and good to see our Forests getting a good drink today. It's been a while between drinks for our mountain.

Enjoy the coolness. Revel in the rain. Embrace the puddles and clouds. Paradise comes in many guises!

See you there!

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