Tuesday, 5 November 2019

Celebrating a chancy Tuesday!

Celebrating a chancy Tuesday here on the mountain today. With the Melbourne Cup at 2pm today, will you take a chance or will you take a rain check? Horse racing isnt for everyone but a Tuesday up here in Paradise, well the chance is a fine thing!

BoM is predicting every kind of weather. A bit of wind. A chance of rain. A few clouds. A bit of sunshine. So take your chance with the weather on your walk today! Sunshine for the rest of the week is their current prediction!

If youd like School Tuck Shop tomorrow, pop your orders to The Lost Fawn any time today for Wednesday delivery.

Theres Yoga with Helen 9am at her studio, 1947 Springbrook Rd this morning for those who take no chances with how they start their day!

The Men's Shed is open from 9am today. Not sure if they will watch the race with a cuppa in a XXXX can today or not, but if you want to find out, pop in and ask! They are down the driveway to the right of Sophies stall opposite Carricks Rd .

The Springbrook Cafe and Bar on Forestry Road is open for lunch today for Cup celebrations. Call and book a table. Wear a hat and watch the race live on the big screen today at 2pm!

And our longest running sporting group on the mountain, Perisai Diri Silat, is on at 6pm at the Hall tonight. Drop in and chat to Simon if you're interested.

A small ginger cat has escaped up near the Canyon Rd-Springbrood Road intersection. It's a timid wee thing with a bright orange collar, tag and bell. It's very very shy and wont come to strangers. If you manage to spot a cat fitting this description please call 0413979271.

Tuesdays are a great day for taking a chance for no more reason than a chancy Tuesday rolls well off the tounge!

Take a chance and talk to a stranger. Take a chance and walk a different route today. Take a chance and go out for lunch. It's a chancy Tuesday here in Paradise. Anything could happen!

See you there!

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