Sunday 24 November 2019

Its Saturday and boy do we have a show for you today!

Its Saturday and boy do we have a show for you here in Paradise today, (now that we've woken up that is! ) BoM is a bit monotonous with predictions of "no rain, sunny with smoke haze" predictions but sooner or later, Mother Nature will give us the flooding rain to go with our drought... (and we'll do lots of posts mentioning the rain instead of the sunshine πŸ˜‰)

 So what's happening on our showtime Saturday? The Men's Shed will be open at 9am. With fire bans and fire precautions in place, theres not much for them to do. All the fun stuff is out of bounds at the moment so its cups of tea, hand sawing, blue tac and duct tape projects are on the menu today.

The Springbrook Tennis Club often meet for a hit at the courts behind the hall on Saturday mornings. Take the kids and see who turns up.

🎬And the hightlight for today is our very own showtime, our FREE MOVIE NIGHT at the Hall!

πŸ• Starting at 4pm with fire brigade approved, wood fired, smoking hot pizza for sale.

 πŸ‘£ Smallfoot (G) movie for the kids and the young at heart starts at 5pm.

πŸ• Pizza available until just after 7pm. 🧜‍♂️ Aquaman (M15+) starts at 7pm.

🍿🍬🍫🍦 Movie food also available!

Our coffee van couldnt make it but we've got pod coffee which isn't as good but it's much cheaper.

Its gonna be a great community night. Come along, enjoy some pizza and watch a movie without having to leave the mountain or spend a fortune!

Thanks to all the people who enjoy our posts amazing alliteration, our fabulous photos and our mostly accurate information. We're glad you think it's fun and keeps you informed! 😘 Morning Pete n Jen! Welcome to the page!

So get out of bed, get into your glad rags, put a smile on your dial... Its Saturday here in Paradise and that means, SHOWTIME!

See you there!

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