Monday, 4 November 2019

It's a bit of a Moody Monday...

It's a bit of  moody Monday out there this morning. Mother Nature looks like she wants to end this cloudy patch with a bit of a thunderstorm today. BoM is saying 70% chance of 10 to 15mm, so keep the brolly handy and make sure the sieves on your tanks are nice and clear to catch all that glorious rain!

Rain or shine, its School Library Day today!

Playgroup at the school 9am to 11.30am. All littilies welcome. Parents, please park out on the street when you arrive today.

Theres Yoga at the Hall, 6pm tonight rain or shine. Some sun salutations in preparation for tomorrows sunny day maybe?

Seen any thing over the weekend that council needs to fix or repair? Let them know on or download the City of Gold Coast app and report all sorts of things through that.

You get to see another side of the mountain on a Moody Mondays. The clouds come down, the mist swirls about and the atmosphere is quite different from our sunny blue skies and green tree outlook.

It's a great day to enjoy the mountains moodiness and to see just mist and cloud from the lookouts.

Be ready for that storm this afternoon. Hopefully it will be a light and sound show with water falling into our tanks. But recharge the torches, get some wood inside and know where the candles are... just in case a tree falls on the powerlines today!

See you there!

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