Busy week at Springbrook School. Make sure you have checked the email foall that's happening! Monday, Book Character Parade. Wednesday, Prep transition date. Thursday, science day bus trip. Friday, Public Holiday.
The Skate Park upgrade is looking fantastic. Make sure you pop in and have a look!
Please let council know on division9@goldcoastqld.gov.au if wheelie bins have been delivered to any unoccupied properties. There's a problem with the data not being up to date (hangover from paper files, fires, change of ownership and time) from when we were with Albert Shire. It would be nice not to continue advertising empty properties.
Yes, the Waste Department dealing with the bins, tips and fees is a council entity. No. it is not independent organisation. Just in case you were wondering.
Cuban Dance this coming Saturday night! 5.30pm at the hall. Contact Christina. Posters on the notice boards.
Springbrook Voices deliveries starting this weekend. Watch a letterbox near you for yours!
Public Holiday this FRIDAY for the Gold Coast Show. Long weekend ahead!
Don't forget to order your school fundraising pies. Thursday is the final day. These are REALLY good pies. (and doughnuts!)
P&C Fathers Day Stall on September 2nd at the school. Donations of gifts gratefully received. Contact the school or a parent to donate!
Pupil free day, Friday September 3rd for those who might need to plan for two long kid weekends in a row...
If you're keen on a bit of input for the new playground, email council on division9@goldcoastqld.gov.au and they'll pass on your ideas to the relevant department.
Get involved.
💚 living in Springbrook
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