Sunday, 11 April 2021

The Springbrook Community Notices

Springbrook Weedbusters weed workshop, Sunday April 18th, 9am to 11am at the hall. All welcome. Learn about local weeds from the experts! 

 Ladies Lunch Friday April 16th, 12pm. Venue to be confirmed. 

 The Springbrook Craft group will continue during the holidays, 10am, each Wednesday at the Fudge Shop. Just drop in with your project and join in! 

 The SMCA general meeting is on Wednesday night, 7.15pm at the hall. Topics will include updates on footpaths, Anzac Day, donation to the school P&C, helicopter joy flights, and National Park parking. Come and meet people, find out what's happening and how you can contribute to life on the mountain! 

Local Botanist Lui Webber has published a book on rare plants in our corner of the world. Check out his Amazon listing and get yours today! 

 Early bird school tuck shop deal. $30 per child for the whole term! Contact Anastasia or pop into Dancing Waters Cafe to put in your order before school goes back!

 Springbrook Voices deadline is rapidly approaching! Monday May 10th. Start thinking about your contribution! 

 Locals are looking at doing a coordinated parking at Purlingbrook campaign. Take your photos and count cars so you can be part of it! 

 Lots of local food on the mountain for those who want to tap into this resource. Weekly greens from Sophie's stall. Weekly bread from Treetops Organic bread. Jams, sauces, preserves, nuts and seasonal produce from Echo Valley, Greenwood Farm, The Sanctuary and Sophie's stalls. 

 Anzac Day is only a fortnight away. There will be a Dawn Service and a 10am service, proceeded by a March. The P&C are doingthe Gunfire Breakfadt and Greenwood Farm an Aussie Burger Lunch. Looks like all system's go for this year! 

 Get involved. Enjoy your community. 

 💚 living in Springbrook 

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