Saturday, 25 June 2022

The Springbrook Community Notices


The Emporium is looking pretty amazing at the moment. With the amount of people doing the right thing it's looking good and it's easy to find things and to drop things off! Thank you Mandy, it look amazing!  Hold fire on your clothes donations. We should be getting a clothing bin in a couple of weeks which might just solve the problem!

School holidays have arrived in Queensland and the accommodation is full to overflowing! Watch out on the roads and prepare for lots of people every where. Take a rubbish bag when you go walking. You'll probably fill it!

Great to catch up with families at the Skate Park and playground on nice sunny days. Drop in with the kids and see who is there from time to time!

Remember to throw rubbish into the OPEN bin at the tip. The idea is  to fill one bin at a time rather than council coming up for 2 half empty bins each time.

We have confirmed a council worker to talk about Vegetation and how its cut back as well ad someone to talk about the new foot path and Bridge at our next SMCA meeting on July 20th, 7.25pm at the hall.

If you live on roads where tourist parking at Purling Brook is a problem, make a sign to direct them to the acres of parking at the Settlement and stick on your fence or make use of your wheelie bin. Even if it only works on a few cars every weekend, it's worth it!

There seems to be trouble with the footpath. It looks like there's not enough funding to give us a foot path as well as a bridge, so we will have two foot paths that lead to a vehicular causeway. That leaving a lot of us scratching our heads asking, really? 🤔 We need to have a chat with TMR and Council to see what can be done about this!

The Springbrook Community Food Growers are meeting on July 2nd at Gina's place from 2pm to 4pm. Check the Springbrook Community Food Hardeners fb page for details!

Stay safe. Stay on your side of the road.
💚 living in Springbrook 

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