Sunday 12 July 2020

Springbrook Community Notices

*Community Cuppa! Thursday, July 16th at The Fudge Shop from 9am. Come and join in and chat a a responsible social distance with other locals over a cuppa and a snack. Always a great morning to catch up with others and meet new people!

*Ladies Lunch! Friday July 24th, 11.30am at the List Fawn Cafe. Come and lunch with the ladies and enjoy a meal with local residents. Fantastic chance to meet new faces and catch up on all the gossip. Just turn up. Limited to 20 due to Covidsafe restrictions.

 *The Springbrook Community Hall is open for bookings again. The restrictions only allow 20 people maximum at a time but that's an ideal  for small groups and workshops. Give Kara a call on 0413979271 if you want to make a booking. Only $13 per hour for locals!

 *Have you got one of Ros Bates' many post cards asking our opinion on the Cableway, raising the Austinville causeway and about visitor signage at Springbrook yet? If so, fill it out and return it this week. If not, feel free to text 0499855169 or email and (politely) express your feelings on any or all of these issues. Be an active voice in the community and have your view heard.

*Keep an eye out for kids on bikes and mums with prams this week before and after school as we get back into the school year. Its particularly tough as we dont have footpaths on many of our streets and the ones we do have a pretty rough. Also watch for that 40km zone in front of the school. You dont want to get booked there by a speed camera!

*Tuck shop at the school is back for term 3! It operates on a term or weekly basis. Pop into Dancing Waters Cafe and pay for a term of Friday lunches and get a discount or just order and pay weekly when you need it. $5 per lunch, discount on the full term. GF, DF nut free etc all available.

*Food Scrap Friday is a community composting initiative run by the school and its P&C. Just bring your bucket of vege food scraps to the gate between 8am and 8.30am on a Fridayand the gardening project kids will take it from there!

*Found a hurt or injured animal on the road? Call Wildcare on 55272444 and they will get onto a carer on the mountain for you. To report dead wildlife for our statistics, please text 0418454732 with the location/address, day, date and type of animal. Don't forget to check to check the pouch if it's a female marsupial.

*Dont forget to make Springbrook Voices your first stop when you need a tradie on the mountain. Theres lots of great people who are very good at what they do, right here on our doorstep. Call the first and shop local when you can!

*Theres lots of road side stalls popping up over the place at the moment. A lovely way to spend the weekend mornings is to drive around with some cash visiting the stall to see what local goodies are on offer. From Echo Valley at the beginning of Lyrebird Ridge Road to Greenwood Farm right up at Goomalarah,  there is often six other stalls open as well. See if you can find them all and enjoy our local goodies.

*Have you seen Cane Toads on the mountain this year??? WaterGum ate selling traps and bait to catch these menaces and both are available from WaterGums offices at Parklands Country Paradise in Nerang. Check their website for lots of information about cane toads and what you can do about them!

*Check out the social media accounts for our local business and groups. Theres a great buy, sell and swap one in facebook, great stuff coming from the explorespringbrook instagram account and lots of our cafes and shops operate accounts letting us know what is happening in their world. Stay in the loop and like these accounts and support our local business!

Stay safe. Get involved.

Stay safe. Get involved. Be part of the community! 💚Springbrook

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