Saturday, 15 February 2020

Springbrook Community Notices

So, so good to see some waterfall recharging rain!! A good reminder to make sure you are storm ready and have fresh batteries in your torches! Storms and tons of rain often lead to loss of power up here so make sure you are on the disaster managements text list and that you "like" them on facebook to get up to date, real time local info about any kind of disaster we maybe experiancing.

 If you see any trees down across the roads, please call the TMR emergency line 131940 for Springbrook Road and the City of Gold Coast emergency line 1800637000 for the smaller Roads. They will send someone up fairly quickly to deal with it. Technically,  our local guys cant deal with trees on the road until directed to by decorative epilet wearing persons!

 Check out the Notice board at the Springbrook Emporium (the tip) for local services and tradies. A great place to find out what's on, what's happening and who's selling what. Put your own notice up. It's a fantastic community resource!

 Dont forget its Speed trap Sunday out there! Did you know that Queensland does double demerit point all year and not just in the holidays? If you commit the same offence with a year of the previous one, you get hit with a double whammy of points and fines. Our back roads are notorious for coppers with speed cameras, both mobile and stationary so stay under the 80km, even on those lovely long straights when you can finally get past the tourist doing 40km... that's where the coppers and their cameras like to hang out!!

Keep an eye out for kids on bikes and mums with prams this week before and after school as we get back into the school year. Its particularly tough as we dont have footpaths on many of our streets and the ones we do have a pretty rough. Also watch for that 40km zone in front of the school. You dont want to get booked there by a speed camera!

 Tuck shop at the school operates on a term or weekly basis. Pop into Dancing Waters Cafe and pay for a term of Friday lunches and get a discount or just order and pay weekly when you need it. $5 per lunch, discount on the full term.

More information

See you there!

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