Friday, 19 July 2019

Its a very fresh Friday morning!

Its a very fresh Friday morning for those who have managed to get out of bed already! Its a nippy -1° according to BOM but feels a touch nopper than that. Find those hat and gloves before you head out this morning!

Got our great not so little, AA meeting at the hall, 4.30pm today. Anyone one interested in the 12 step program is welcome to attend. Great to have people from the Coast coming up for these meetings too.

The Sunday Afternoon People are rehearsing again at the hall this Sunday at 3pm. If you're musically inclined,  this is the group to get involved with. Pop in and say Hi, bring your instrument and enjoy the variety of styles and genre's our mountain musicians have!

With the sky so clear this weekend get along to the observatory one night and check out the incredible night sky! Call Andre at the Observatory to check he's open and operating and then wrap up super warm (the telescopes are practically outside) and gaze in awe of the stars, planets and our moon!

If you have any community notices, please let us know and we can post them here for you for the community to read. SMCA members also get a weekly email of whats on and other useful information on a Sunday morning to prepare them for the week ahead.

Have a fresh feeling Friday, stay warm, report the white car at the split and smile at your neighbours!

See you there! 💚Springbrook

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