Sunday, 5 September 2021

The Springbrook Community Notices


Great time at the P&C's Sausage Sizzle yesterday. Thanks to the locals who dropped in to get one! 

Barn Dance this Saturday! Valley Vagrants in concert at the Springbrook Hall. Tickets $10 adults, primary kids free. Smoketopia on the BBQ. Food from 5.30pm, Music from 6.30pm. See you there! 

Update on the Lost dog on Pine Creek Road. Picked up by a local and cosseted for a few days. Off to the vet for a check up and he's microchipped. He is now with the Council but our wonderful locals are first on the list for adoption, should the owners not want him or be deemed unfit by Council. Hopefully a better happy ending to come! 

The Springbrook Community Library will be open on Thursday, 11.30am to 2.30pm. Drop in and check out the revamped Library and meet Lin. She's keen on starting up a book club too! 

Bek is starting up PT sessions a few times a week at the hall, starting next week. Tuesday, Wednesday early and available Saturdays. More info to come later today. Just deal brokering now. 

Update on yesterdays Koala rescue. She was a very sick wee thing and very underweight. Chlamydia as expected. She also had what looked like deep dog bites that had maggots in them. Unfortunately, Currumbin wildlife Hospital had to euthanasia her. Thank you to all the people involved in this rescue. 

Ladies Lunch this Friday, 12pm. Venue to he confirmed. All local ladies welcome! 

Janie has contacted us to say she's keen to be back up here in October for 10 weeks to teach Yoga on Monday nights at the hall. Stay tuned for detail. 

Men's Shed Sausage Sizzle at Bunnings in a fortnight. New residents welcome to join up and join in. They'd love to meet you and have an extra hand! 

Seen anything Council needs to fix? Email them on and let them know. Photos are good! 

Nice new fencing at Bartels Family Park on Mundora St to keep the cars out. Check it out next time you're in the area! 

Stay safe. Get involved. 

💚 living in Springbrook 

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