Sunday, 21 February 2021

Springbrook Community Notices

The Springbrook Community Library will be open on TUESDAY February 23rd from 10am to 2pm, rain or shine! Please drop off books for donating and come and get some rainy day reading! Springbrook Community Food Growers aka the garden club is meeting on Saturday, February 27th 2pm to 4pm at the Mens Shed. Bring a plate to share and seeds, cuttings, produce, jams etc to swap, sell or give away. Gold coin donation entry. Raffles. Another one day silent retreat is planned for Saturday February 27th at the hall. 10am to 3pm. All the details at With the rain and wind predicted on Tuesday, it might pay to make sure you are linked into the local disaster management facebook page and text info. All the details in Springbrook Voices. Lots of copies of the latest edition of Springbrook Voices are being delivered to the deliverers now! Keep an eye on your letterbox , they should start arriving in the next few days! The SES is always looking for new members. With the weather continuing to bucket down, its going to be a great group tto belong to to help when things go pear shaped. Tuesdays, 7pm to 9pm. Just turn up. Great to hear that the Rural Fire Brigades Levy has been not only reinstated, but doubled! Check out the Springbrook Ldmc Facebook page for all the details! Feel free to message us with your community notices, events, news and happenings. We are happy to share all local info on these pages, lost dogs included! Support your local bussiness, it's hard to keep the doors open with all this rain. Stay safe. Slow down. Get involved in your community. 💚 Love living in Springbrook

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