Sunday, 29 November 2020

Springbrook Community Notices


BIoBlitz starts next Friday doing flora and fauna surveys, right here in Springbrook. Not much left in the way of surveys but there a group of stalls next weekend up at Koonjewarre. Details to come. 

 Springbrook Garden Club meet at the Mens Shed next Sunday, 2pm to 4pm for their last meeting of the year. All welcome. Bring a plate to share, cuttings, produce, seeds etc! 

 Be warned, school stops mid week on Wednesday December 9th to give our teachers an extra few days as a thank you for going above and beyond during the lock downs! 

 Looking for Christmas Presents? Buy local! Gems, Fudge, jams, sauces, kim chi, clothes, toys, card, art, honey - theres quite a bit sitting in our cafe shops. Check them out before you head off the hill! 

 There will he lots of cars on the roads up here over Christmas so start getting your "Its Christmas time on the mountain" attitude on and just know everything will take bit longer to get everywhere over the holidays. 

 Our informal groups still plan to operate over the holidays mostly, most of the time. Check with each group and know what their plans are and when the formal groups break for 2020 and reconvene in 2021. 

 Christmas letterbox decorating is definitely happening! Make them Merv friendly and break out the baubles. Have fun being festive this year. It's been a long one! S

Springbrook Voices should start their deliveries any time now. The volunteers got their piles yesterday and should deliver them over the next few days. Be patient. It's another 40 page bumper issue with so much local content. We really have some amazing contributors here on the mountain as you'll see when your copy arrives!

 Feel free to contribute to our community pages, notices and daily reminders anytime by emailing the details of your function, event, workshop or community info to secretary and well let Springbrook know what's happening! 

 Stay safe. Slow down. Enjoy living on Springbrook!


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