Sunday, 7 June 2020

This week in Springbrook

Yay! We have got some of our social active activities back on this week! You can do yoga, amble and play tennis again.

 Our playgroup is also meeting again, albeit with a few Covidsafe rules, but we are ok with that.

 Our weekends are a whirl of fun with cafes, the gem shop and roadside stall to visit.

 Let us know in the comments or by PM if you have an activity that you'd like the Springbrook Community to know about and we can put it on our social media and send it out to our members email list.

 Nice to be able to be active in the community again isnt it! Get out there and take advantage of living in a small active community!

 See you there!

 🦋 Monday
*School Library Day. Don't forget to return your books!
 *Playgroup at the school 9am to 11am. All littilies welcome. Remember to book in before you turn up!
 *Yoga at the Hall, 5.30-6.30pm tonight. Covidsafe rules in place. Contact Janie to find out more!
 *Seen any parking issues that bother you over the weekend?  Let us know on

*Yoga with Helen 9am at her studio, 1947 Springbrook Rd. Contact her on facebook to find out more. Innapeace yoga
*Kids skate park day. Bring your bike or scooter and hang out at the skate park after school.

*A great day to call someone and catch up with them!

*Yoga with Helen, 9.30am at her studio, 1947 Springbrook Rd.
 *New episode of the Mens Shed podcast available from 2pm *Springbrook Afternoon Amblers walk 3.30pm. Free. Meet at the Settlement Car park entrance to walk as far as they want up Carricks Rd. Kids n Dogs on leads welcome.

*AA meet at the hall 4.30pm.

*Springbrooks roadside stall day! *Springbrook Tennis Club often meet for a hit at the courts behind the hall about 8.30am. *Springbrook Community Seed bank seedlings available from Sophie's stall.

*Roadside stalls open.
*Springbrook Seed Bank seedlings available from Sophie's stall.

 Stay safe. Use common sense.

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