Friday, 31 May 2019

Its Friday here in Paradise!

Its Friday day here in Paradise again and looks like the fairies have been renovating the fairy village at the fudge shop recently!
Another glorious Autumn day brings us a fanstastic AA meeting at the hall, 4.30pm. They welcome all those who want to attend. Just turn up.

Don't forget to get your raffle tickets today from the school for their incredible Winter Raffle and to sign up for their Bunning Sauages sizzle online via the link on the schools facebook account. (Or just call Sue at the school!) They need a couple of people to help still.

The Anglican Church service is at 10.30am at the Observatory on this Sunday for those wishing to attend.

Numinbahs Sunday markets look like they are going to be amazing. So many great stalls! Check out Numinbah Halls social media on Saturday to see a list of all the stalls that will be there. 8am to 1pm. It will make a nice trip out on  Sunday morning for breaky and a browse!

Have a fabulous Friday, see you there! 💚Springbrook

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