Sunday, 25 February 2024

This week in Springbrook


🍃MONDAY 26th February
*Fitness class, 7am at Valentina's
*ACTIVE walk to school day!
*Playgroup 9am to 11am at the school.
*Mobile Library outside Numinbah School 10.30am to 12.30pm
*Yoga, 6pm at the Hall
*Seen any thing that council needs to fix, amend or change? Let them know on with photos if you can!

🍃TUESDAY 27th February
*Men's Shed is open from 9am
*Skate Park Day for school kids 3pm to 4pm. Byo wheels, parents and a snack!

🍃WEDNESDAY 28th February
*Fitness class, 7am at Valentina's
*PE and Japanese at school today.
*Springbrook Craft Group meet 10am at a local cafe. All crafts welcome.
*Childrens Dance Classes 4pm & 4.30pm  at the hall.
*Yoga 5.30pm. Contact Emma on 0412 421 395 for more detail.
*Springbrook Darts Club meet from 5pm at the Springbrook Cafe and Bar.

🍃THURSDAY 29th February
*School Gardening Project 8.30 to 8.55am. Students and parents welcome.
*School uniform shop open Thursdays only at 8.45am.
*School Library Day
*Men's Shed opens at 9am.
*Community cuppa 10.30pm at The English Gardens.
*Wing Chung Kung Fu classes Children 4pm. Adults 5.30pm at the hall. Call Gill on 0412 306 029 for more info

🍂FRIDAY 1st March
*Fitness class, 7am at Valentina's
*Locals night at the Springbrook Cafe and Bar from 4pm.

🍂SATURDAY 2nd March
*Men's Shed open at 9am
*Garden Club meet 2pm to 4pm at a local garden.
*Drawing classes with Damo, Saturday afternoon's at the Studio on Lyrebird Ridge Road.  Call Damo on 0456 529 161 for more info

🍂SUNDAY 3rd March
*Springbrook Tennis Club meet for a hit at the courts behind the hall at 4am.
*Speedtrap Sunday. Don't forget, it's the coppers favorite day to pop up and say gidday!
* Keep an eye out for local artist Damo and drop in for a chat and buy some art work.
*The sustainable fashion shop at Sophie's stall is open today.
*Echo Valleys stall is chock full of goodies this morning!
*Check out The Emporium and the three Book Nooks today!

Get involved! 

💚 living in Springbrook 

The Springbrook Community Notices

The Springbrook Mountain Markets are on TODAY, 10am to 2pm at the Fudge Shop! Food truck, coffee, music, stalls. Great day out without leaving the mountain!

The CoGC Mobile Library will be at Numinbah School from 10.30am to 12.30pm TOMORROW! Great library. Fantastic librarians! Pop in and see them soon!

Garden Club meet 2pm to 4pm on the first Saturday of the month. Next meeting 2nd March at Kays place. Details on the Springbrook Community Food Growers facebook page.

Have you put your bin stickers on your wheelie bin and sent a photo to the SMCA yet? Pop that on today's to do list!

Children's dance classes 4.30pm and beginner yoga & pilates classes 5.45pm have started on Wednesday afternoon at the hall. For more info, call Emma on 0412 421 395.

Springbrook Schools onsite Tuck Shop is going ahead but will take a few weeks to get sorted. Orders will be done online through an app with cut off at 10am on Wednesdays and only ham/chicken/cheese toasties will available this term as it gets going!

Have you put your bin stickers on your wheelie bin and sent a photo to the SMCA yet? Pop that on today's to do list!

The Springbrook Darts Club meets on Wednesday nights at the Springbrook Cafe and Bar on Forestry Rd from 5pm. All welcome.

Looking for information on local disasters and emergencies? Go to the revamped Springbrook Disaster Management Committee Facebook and Instagram page and also follow them for updates on our fire status and anything that affects us in Springbrook.

Fitness classes are running at Valentina's place in Gwongarella Parade, 7am to 8am Mon, Wed and Fri all through the holidays. $20 per class. Kids accommodated. First lesson complimentary!

Please stop and check pouches and if you find a joey, call WildCare on 5527 2444 any time of the night or day. They'll send someone to get it for you!

Remember to look left at the top of PC road now!!

Join the Facebook page called "I saw it at the Emporium" to let people know what goodies are on offer at our beloved Emporium when you visit!

Summer is a good time to take up Tennis! The Springbrook Tennis Club meets on Sunday afternoons at 4pm at the courts behind the hall. Just turn up!

Support local businesses this year! Let's keep our local economy running and our services viable. Shop local when you can!

Weedbusters! Third Sunday of the month, 9am to 11am at The Settlement.  Wear gloves, a hat, coveted in shoes and your own cupp. Kids encouraged!

The Ladies Lunch is the second Friday of the month, 12pm at a local cafe. Dress up a little. All ladies welcome!

Acupuncture appointments available here in Springbrook. Call Kal on 0416894683 to book.

3rd Friday of the month, Anglican Church Service 9.30am at the Observatory. All welcome.

Glow Ayurveda has a few spots left for a deep relaxation massage this week. Give yourself a pre christmas treat or buy a voucher! To book, contact Anji on 0413101582

SMCA meeting, second Wednesday of the month, 7.15pm at the hall. All residents welcome. See you there!

Damos art classes are on Saturday afternoons at Lyrebird Ridge Road.  If you're interested  give him a call on 0456 529 161 or see him around the cafes!

Looking for someone to help you with your waste water treatment system? Call Pete on 0466 449 779

Fire wood is available from the Echo Valley Farm Stall on Lyrebird Ridge Road along with jams, produces, sauces and kindling!

Dont forget Ambulance training is the 3rd Wednesday of the month!

Want to book the Springbrook Hall? Call Kara on 0413 979 271 to get your group, meeting or activities going!

Erratic driving? Road rageers? Dangerous driving? If you are experiencing any of this, pull over, let them past, and then head off and buy a dash cam. Staying safe is your first priority. Don't let them intimdate you into doing something dumb!

Looking for sustainable shopping here on the mountain? Then check out the sustainable fashion hut at Sophie's stall, opposite Carricks Road! All sorts of clothes and accessories as well as lots of second life goodies that make perfect gifts for family, friends or yourself. Do yourself a favour and check it out asap!

Get involved
💚 living in Springbrook 

Sunday, 18 February 2024

This week in Springbrook

🌳MONDAY Feb 19th
*Fitness class, 7am at Valentina's
*Playgroup 9am to 11am at the school.
*Mobile Library outside Numinbah School 10.30am to 12.30pm
*Yoga, 6pm at the Hall
*Seen any thing that council needs to fix, amend or change? Let them know on with photos if you can!

🌳TUESDAY Feb 20th
*Men's Shed is open from 9am
*Skate Park Day for school kids 3pm to 4pm. Byo wheels, parents and a snack!

*Fitness class, 7am at Valentina's
*School Gardening Project 8.30 to 8.55am. Students and parents welcome.
*PE and Japanese at school today.
*Springbrook Craft Group meet 10am at a local cafe. All crafts welcome.
*Childrens Dance Classes 4pm & 4.30pm  at the hall.
*Yoga 5.30pm. Contact Emma on 0412 421 395 for more detail.
*Springbrook Darts Club meet from 5pm at the Springbrook Cafe and Bar.

🌳THURSDAY Feb 22nd
*School uniform shop open Thursdays only at 8.45am.
*School Library Day
*Men's Shed opens at 9am.
*Wing Chung Kung Fu classes Children 4pm. Adults 5.30pm at the hall. Call Gill on 0412 306 029 for more info

🌳FRIDAY Feb 23rd
*Fitness class, 7am at Valentina's
*Passion Projects, 2pm at the school.
*Locals night at the Springbrook Cafe and Bar from 4pm.
*Last Friday, community cuppa 10.30pm at a local Cafe

🌳SATURDAY Feb 24th
*Men's Shed open at 9am
*Drawing classes with Damo, Saturday afternoon's at the Studio on Lyrebird Ridge Road.  Call Damo on 0456 529 161 for more info
*Full Moon Dance at the hall. More detail to come!

🌳SUNDAY Feb 25th
*Springbrook Tennis Club meet for a hit at the courts behind the hall at 4am.
*Springbrook Mountain Markets, 4th Sunday of the month 10am to 2pm at the Fudge Shop
*Speedtrap Sunday. Don't forget, it's the coppers favorite day to pop up and say gidday!
* Keep an eye out for local artist Damo and drop in for a chat and buy some art work.
*The sustainable fashion shop at Sophie's stall is open today.
*Echo Valleys stall is chock full of goodies this morning!
*Check out The Emporium and the three Book Nooks today!

Get involved! 

💚 living in Springbrook 

The Springbrook Community Notices


The Thank you Merv Afternoon Tea is on TODAY Sunday, Feb 18th at 2.30pm at the hall. It's a dress up, bring your best baking affair for those who would like to honour Merv!

Weedbusters! Today, 9am to 11am at The Settlement.  Wear gloves, a hat, coveted in shoes and your own cupp. Kids encouraged!

Children's dance classes 4.30pm and beginner yoga & pilates classes 5.45pm have started on Wednesday afternoon at the hall. For more info, call Emma on 0412 421 395.

Springbrook Schools onsite Tuck Shop is going ahead but will take a few weeks to get sorted. Orders will be done online through an app with cut off at 10am on Wednesdays and only ham/chicken/cheese toasties will available this term as it gets going!

The Springbrook Mountain Markets are the 4th Sunday of the month, February 25th, 10am to 2pm at the Fudge Shop! Food truck, coffee, music, stalls. Great day out without leaving the mountain!

Have you put your bin stickers on your wheelie bin and sent a photo to the SMCA yet? Pop that on today's to do list!

The Springbrook Darts Club meets on Wednesday nights at the Springbrook Cafe and Bar on Forestry Rd from 5pm. All welcome.

Looking for information on local disasters and emergencies? Go to the revamped Springbrook Disaster Management Committee Facebook and Instagram page and also follow them for updates on our fire status and anything that affects us in Springbrook.

Fitness classes are running at Valentina's place in Gwongarella Parade, 7am to 8am Mon, Wed and Fri all through the holidays. $20 per class. Kids accommodated. First lesson complimentary!

Please stop and check pouches and if you find a joey, call WildCare on 5527 2444 any time of the night or day. They'll send someone to get it for you!

Remember to look left at the top of PC road now!!

Join the Facebook page called "I saw it at the Emporium" to let people know what goodies are on offer at our beloved Emporium when you visit!

Summer is a good time to take up Tennis! The Springbrook Tennis Club meets on Sunday afternoons at 4pm at the courts behind the hall. Just turn up!

Support local businesses this year! Let's keep our local economy running and our services viable. Shop local when you can!

Garden Club meet 2pm to 4pm on the first Saturday of the month. Next meeting 2nd March at Kays place. Details on the Springbrook Community Food Growers facebook page.

The Ladies Lunch is the second Friday of the month, 12pm at a local cafe. Dress up a little. All ladies welcome!

The CoGC Mobile Library will be at Numinbah School from 10.30am to 12.30pm every second Monday! Great library. Fantastic librarians! Pop in and see them soon!

Acupuncture appointments available here in Springbrook. Call Kal on 0416894683 to book.

3rd Friday of the month, Anglican Church Service 9.30am at the Observatory. All welcome.

Glow Ayurveda has a few spots left for a deep relaxation massage this week. Give yourself a pre christmas treat or buy a voucher! To book, contact Anji on 0413101582

SMCA meeting, second Wednesday of the month, 7.15pm at the hall. All residents welcome. See you there!

Damos art classes are on Saturday afternoons at Lyrebird Ridge Road.  If you're interested  give him a call on 0456 529 161 or see him around the cafes!

Looking for someone to help you with your waste water treatment system? Call Pete on 0466 449 779

Fire wood is available from the Echo Valley Farm Stall on Lyrebird Ridge Road along with jams, produces, sauces and kindling!

Dont forget Ambulance training is the 3rd Wednesday of the month!

Want to book the Springbrook Hall? Call Kara on 0413 979 271 to get your group, meeting or activities going!

Erratic driving? Road rageers? Dangerous driving? If you are experiencing any of this, pull over, let them past, and then head off and buy a dash cam. Staying safe is your first priority. Don't let them intimdate you into doing something dumb!

Looking for sustainable shopping here on the mountain? Then check out the sustainable fashion hut at Sophie's stall, opposite Carricks Road! All sorts of clothes and accessories as well as lots of second life goodies that make perfect gifts for family, friends or yourself. Do yourself a favour and check it out asap!

Get involved
💚 living in Springbrook 

Sunday, 11 February 2024

This week in Springbrook


🚵‍♀️ MONDAY Feb 12

*Fitness class, 7am at Valentina's
*ACTIVE SCHOOL TRAVEL DAY! Meet 8.30 at the shelter in the Purling Brook carpark!
*Playgroup at the school 9am to 11am. All littilies welcome.
*Mobile Library outside Numinbah School 10.30am to 12.30pm today!
*Seen any thing that TMR needs to fix, amend or change? Email them, with photos on

🚴‍♂️ TUESDAY Feb 13th
*Men's Shed is open from 9am
*Skate Park Day for school kids 3pm to 4pm. Byo wheels, parents and a snack.
*SES training 7pm at the SES shed

🚴‍♀️ WEDNESDAY Feb 14th
*Fitness class, 7am at Valentina's
*School Gardening Project 8.30 to 8.55am. Students and parents welcome.
*PE and Japanese at school today
*Springbrook Craft Group meet 10am at a local cafe. All crafts welcome.
*Kids Dance classes at the hall. Ballet and Jazz 4.30pm.
*Beginner Yoga & Pliates class 5.45pm a the hall. $20 Just turn up.
*Darts night at the Springbrook Cafe and Bar from 5pm
*2nd Wednesday of the month SMCA general meeting 7.15pm at the hall

🚴 THURSDAY Feb 15th
*School uniform shop open Thursdays only at 8.45am.
*School Library Day!
*Wing Chung Kun Fu Classes at the hall. Kids 4.30pm. Adults 5.30pm
*Men's Shed opens at 9am
* Fire Brigade training

🚵 FRIDAY Feb 16th
*Fitness class, 7am at Valentina's
*Third Friday: Anglican Church Service, 9.30am at the Observatory
*Ladies Lunch 12pm at Dancing Waters Cafe.
*Dinner and Drinks at the Springbrook Cafe and Bar from 4pm

🚵‍♀️ SATURDAY Feb 17th
*Men's Shed open at 9am
*Emergency services First Aid

🚵‍♂️ SUNDAY Feb 18th
*Mervs thank you afternoon tea 2.30pm ar the hall.
*Springbrook Tennis Club meet for a hit at the courts behind the hall at 4pm.
*Speedtrap Sunday. Don't forget, it's the coppers favorite day to pop up and say gidday!
* Keep an eye out for local artist Damo and drop in for a chat and buy some art work.
*Sustainable fashion shop open at Sophie's stall.
*Roadside stall at Echo Valley open today
*Check out The Emporium and the two Book Nooks. Lots to explore!

The Springbrook Community Notices

SMCA meeting, second Wednesday of the month, 7.15pm at the hall. All residents welcome. See you there!

Emergency Services First Aid, Sat 17th Feb 9am at the hall.

Children's dance classes 4.30pm and beginner yoga & pilates classes 5.45pm start next Wednesday afternoon at the hall. For more info, call Emma on 0412 421 395.

Springbrook Schools onsite Tuck Shop is going ahead but will take a few weeks to get sorted. Orders will be done online through an app with cut off at 10am on Wednesdays and only ham/chicken/cheese toasties will available this term as it gets going!

The next Ladies Lunch is this Friday, 12pm on Feburary 15th. Dress up a little. All ladies welcome!

The CoGC Mobile Library will be at Numinbah School from 10.30am to 12.30pm every second Monday! Great library. Fantastic librarians! Pop in and see them soon!

School dates to remember:
School photos 4th March
AGM P&C next meeting 7 March
Parent teacher interviews 19/20/21March
Farm excursion 27th Seniors
Storyfest 26th March
Junior city excursion 29th March

NIGHT WORKS on the Front Road Sun to Thurs again. Make sure you remember and plan for it!

The Thank you Merv Afternoon Tea is on Sunday, Feb 18th at 2.30pm at the hall. It's a dress up, bring your best baking affair for those who would like to honour Merv!

3rd Friday of the month, Anglican Church Service 9.30am at the Observatory. All welcome.

Walk to school Move it Mondays are coming! Meet 8.30am at the Fudge Shop to walk with Lin, the hall to walk with Maureen and Purling Brook car park to walk with Laura! Starts Monday, 19th Feb!

The Springbrook Darts Club meets on Wednesday nights at the Springbrook Cafe and Bar on Forestry Rd from 5pm. All welcome.

Looking for information on local disasters and emergencies? Go to the revamped Springbrook Disaster Management Committee Facebook and Instagram page and also follow them for updates on our fire status and anything that affects us in Springbrook.

Fitness classes are running at Valentina's place in Gwongarella Parade, 7am to 8am Mon, Wed and Fri all through the holidays. $20 per class. Kids accommodated. First lesson complimentary!

Please stop and check pouches and if you find a joey, call WildCare on 5527 2444 any time of the night or day. They'll send someone to get it for you!

Remember to look left at the top of PC road now!!

Join the Facebook page called "I saw it at the Emporium" to let people know what goodies are on offer at our beloved Emporium when you visit!

Summer is a good time to take up Tennis! The Springbrook Tennis Club meets on Sunday afternoons at 4pm at the courts behind the hall. Just turn up!

Support local businesses this year! Let's keep our local economy running and our services viable. Shop local when you can!

Garden Club meet 2pm to 4pm on the first Saturday of the month. Next meeting 2nd March at Kays place. Details on the Springbrook Community Food Growers facebook page.

Acupuncture appointments available here in Springbrook. Call Kal on 0416894683 to book.

Glow Ayurveda has a few spots left for a deep relaxation massage this week. Give yourself a pre christmas treat or buy a voucher! To book, contact Anji on 0413101582

Damos art classes are on Saturday afternoons at Lyrebird Ridge Road.  If you're interested  give him a call on 0456 529 161 or see him around the cafes!

Looking for someone to help you with your waste water treatment system? Call Pete on 0466 449 779

Fire wood is available from the Echo Valley Farm Stall on Lyrebird Ridge Road along with jams, produces, sauces and kindling!

Dont forget Ambulance training is the 3rd Wednesday of the month!

Want to book the Springbrook Hall? Call Kara on 0413 979 271 to get your group, meeting or activities going!

The Springbrook Mountain Markets are the 4th Sunday of the month, February 25th, 10am to 2pm at the Fudge Shop! Food truck, coffee, music, stalls. Great day out without leaving the mountain!

Our Community Cuppa is on the last Friday of the month at a local cafe. All welcome!

Erratic driving? Road rageers? Dangerous driving? If you are experiencing any of this, pull over, let them past, and then head off and buy a dash cam. Staying safe is your first priority. Don't let them intimdate you into doing something dumb!

Looking for sustainable shopping here on the mountain? Then check out the sustainable fashion hut at Sophie's stall, opposite Carricks Road! All sorts of clothes and accessories as well as lots of second life goodies that make perfect gifts for family, friends or yourself. Do yourself a favour and check it out asap!

Get involved
💚 living in Springbrook