Sunday, 25 September 2022

The Springbrook Community Notices

Second week of the Qld school holidays. First week for NSW. 

Music Jam sessions now on in the Hall on Sundays, 3pm to 5pm. All musicians, singers poets and music appreciators welcome. On today, all welcome. Just turn up! 

Nice to see Mark Bailey responding to our letter to him on social media about having no front road reports for 6 months. Feel free to let TMR know how you feel by joining the conversation on the SMCAs facebook page or emailing them direct on We know they'd love to hear from you! 

Long weekend next weekend! It's our late Queens Birthday celebration Public Holiday next Monday!  

Check out our new Book Nook at the hall! It's bright pink. You won't miss it and grab a book or two! 

Woman's Weavings tonight 6pm at the hall. A chance for woman to meet, circle style, to bond and support each other. 

Watch out for lane closures around the footpath construction AND on the back road this week. Be nice to the stop go people. You'll get through quicker! 

Springbrook Voices has been delivered. Lots of work goes into it. Make sure you read it cover to cover. Yes, you will be tested on this!! 

Community Cuppa this Friday! 10.30am at the the Little Farm Cafe at Goomalarah! 

The Clothing Bins have arrived at the Emporium! If you have good quality clothes that need a new home, pop them in one of the FOUR blue LifeLine Bins to the right of the Emporium and know you are doing the right thing! 

The Emporium is pretty full at the moment so lots of treasurers to be had! Pop up for a visit. You never know what you will find! Remember, if you see rubbish in the Emporium, just chuck it out!! 

Express Yourselves Kids is a new after school program running during term time. They start back on Monday October 10th after the Monday holiday on the 3rd! 

Music in the Radius concert coming up! October 29th at the hall. Local Muse's. Awesome night. More details on notice boards around the mountain! 

Members only night for the SMCA on October 15th. Free, magical and fun! See all you paid up members there! 

Join a club, group or organisation this week! 

Stay safe. Get involved.

💚 living in Springbrook 

This week in Springbrook


Second week of the Qld school holidays! 

🌿MONDAY September 26th

*No formal Playgroup but feel free to meet at the playground by the hall 9am to 11am. ALL kids welcome.

*Seen any thing that council needs to fix, amend or change? Let them know on with photos if you can! 

🌿TUESDAY September 27th

*Men's Shed is open from 9am

*Skate Park Day for school kids 3pm to 4pm. Byo wheels, parents and a snack

*SES training 7pm at the SES shed

🌿WEDNESDAY September 28th

*Springbrook Craft Group meet 10am at a local cafe. All crafters welcome. 

*Formal Darts night at the Springbrook Cafe and Bar from 6pm

🌿THURSDAY September 29th

*Men's Shed opens at 9am.

*Informal Dart night due to no footy at the Springbrook Cafe and Bar from 5pm

🌿FRIDAY September 30th

*Informal group of Mountain Mums meet at the Fudge Shop after school drop off for a play and a chat. 

*Dinner and Drinks at the Springbrook Cafe and Bar.

*Last Friday, Community Cuppa 10.30am at the Little Farm Cafe at Goomalarah. All residents welcome.

🌿SATURDAY September 31st 

*Men's Shed open at 9am

*Springbrook Tennis Club often meet for a hit at the courts behind the hall about 8.30am

🌿SUNDAY October 1st

*Breakfast menu at Dancing Waters Cafe 9am to 11am. 

*Speedtrap Sunday. Don't forget, it's the coppers favorite day to pop up and say gidday! 

* Keep an eye out for local artist Damo and drop in for a chat and buy some art work.

*Road side stall day including the sustainable fashion shop at Sophie's stall. Have a look around to see who's open today. We also have stalls at Echo Valley, Purling Brook Farm plus The Emporium and the three Book Nooks. Lots to explore!

Stay safe. Get involved.

💚 living in Springbrook 

Sunday, 18 September 2022

The Springbrook Community Notices

Music Jam sessions now on in the Hall on Sundays, 3pm to 5pm. All musicians,  singers, poets and music appreciators welcome. On today, all welcome. $2 entry. Just turn up! 

School Holidays are in full swing now. Watch out for the extra traffic and lost people on the mountain over the next three weeks! 

All our cafes are more or less open all day every day of the holidays. We will do a detailed post next! 

The Queens funeral will be telecast to us live at 8pm on Monday night for those who want to watch! 

The Garden Club will meet Saturday October 1st, possibly at Caths place. Check the Springbrook Community Food Growers fb page for more detail. 

La Nina, our unofficial Goddess of our rain forest has announced her third summer of performing here on the East Coast of Australia, with particular emphasis on her Springbrook appearances. Get your home and yard ready for a wet, wet summer! 

Check out our new Book Nook at the hall! It's bright pink. You won't miss it and grab a book or two! 

Are you a paid up member of the SMCA? Great! There's a members only evening coming up on Sat October 24th just for us! 

Springbrook Voices has a meeting on Monday, 10am at Caths. They need a few extra bums on seats for their four meetings a year. If you're keen to warm a seat and drink a coffee (no writing, no executive positions needed) please contact us and we will give you more details! 

The Clothing Bins have arrived at the Emporium! If you have good quality clothes that need a new home, pop them in one of the FOUR blue LifeLine Bins to the right of the Emporium and know you are doing the right thing! 

The Emporium is pretty full at the moment so lots of treasurers to be had! Pop up for a visit. You never know what you will find! Remember, if you see rubbish in the Emporium, just chuck it out! 

Lots of Birthdays over the holidays! Paul, Guy, Sarah, and Eli are just the ones we know about. Let's us know if you know any others so everyone knows! 😏 Let's celebrate staying alive! 

Thanks to our volunteers who help out in emergencies. Local knowledge is so valuable in isolated areas! 

Stay safe. Get involved.

💚 living in Springbrook 

This week in Springbrook


👸MONDAY September 19th
* No formal Playgroup but feel free to meet at the playground by the hall  9am to 11am. All kids welcome.
*Springbrook Voices meeting 10am at Caths place.
*Express Yourselves Kids is back, first Monday of the term!
*The Queens funeral will start at 8pm Springbrook time on TV.
*Something been bugging you? Maybe write to the organisation or department involved and let them know. They cant fix what they dont know about!

👸TUESDAY September 20th
*Men's Shed is open from 9am
*Skate Park Day for school kids 3pm to 4pm. Byo wheels, parents and a snack
*SES training 7pm at the SES shed

👸WEDNESDAY September 21st
*Springbrook Craft Group meet 10am at the Fudge Shop. All crafts welcome.
*Ambulance training 3rd Wednesday
*Darts night at the Springbrook Cafe and Bar from 6pm.

👸THURSDAY September 22nd
*Men's Shed opens  at 9am.
*Not Footy atm but Dart night again at the Springbrook Cafe and Bar from 6pm

👸FRIDAY September 23rd
*Informal group of Mountain Mums meet at the Fudge Shop after school drop off for a play and a chat.
*3rd Friday, Anglican Church Service 9.30am at the Observatory.
*Dinner and Drinks at the Springbrook Cafe and Bar, 7pm draw.

👸SATURDAY September 24th
*Men's Shed open at 9am
*Springbrook Tennis Club often meet for a hit at the courts behind the hall about 8.30am

👸SUNDAY September 25th
*Sunday Afternoon People meet for a Sunday jam session, 3pm at the hall. All poets, musicians,  singers and performers welcome. $2 entry.
*Woman's Weaving Circle 6pm at the Hall. Contact Kim for more detail.
*Speedtrap Sunday. Don't forget, it's the coppers favorite day to pop up and say gidday!
* Keep an eye out for local artist Damo and drop in for a chat and buy some art work.
*Road side stall day including the sustainable fashion shop at Sophie's stall. Have a look around to see who's open today. We also have stalls at Echo Valley, Purling Brook Farm plus The Emporium and the three Book Nooks. Lots to explore!

Stay safe. Get involved. 

💚 living in Springbrook 

Sunday, 11 September 2022

The Springbrook Community Notices

Music Jam sessions now on in the Hall on Sundays, 3pm to 5pm. All musicians,  singers poets and music appreciators welcome. On today, all welcome. Just turn up! 

Sausage sizzle at the Fudge Shop today! 10am to 2pm. See you there! 

School excursion on Monday. Roll call at 7.45am. Bus leaves at 8am. It won't wait. Dont be late! 

SMCA meeting on Wednesday night. It's not so cold or wet so it would be good to see you all there!! 

Donna and Dave are looking for a 2-3 bedroom place to call home. Long time locals who's house has been sold. Call them on 0400758063 if you know of something! 

BioBlitz is coming to Springbrook next weekend. It's a night survey based in our hall. Check watergums website to get involved and sign up! 

Last week of term three coming up. School holidays start next Friday! 

Express Yourselves Kids will break for the holidays after this Monday and return in term four! It's a new after school program running from 3.15pm to 5.15pm on Mondays at the hall. It's $12.50 per child and they do fun activities like games, dance, music, and craft, as well as afternoon tea. Call Laurelle on 0431 952 037 for more info or to enrol. 

Check out our new Book Nook at the hall! It's bright pink. You won't miss it and grab a book or two! 

Springbrook Voices are on the mountain! Delivery starts this weekend. Keep an eye on your letterbox! 

Ladies Lunch on Friday! Location to be announced. Buy your own Lunch, coffee or cake and enjoy the company of the local ladies! 

The Clothing Bins have arrived at the Emporium! If you have good quality clothes that need a new home, pop them in one of the FOUR blue LifeLine Bins to the right of the Emporium and know you are doing the right thing! 

The Emporium is pretty full at the moment so lots of treasurers to be had! Pop up for a visit. You never know what you will find! Remember, if you see rubbish in the Emporium, just chuck it out! 

Watch out for the footpath works on SB between Llyods and Carricks Rds. They are working 8am to 4pm Mon to Fri for the next 8 weeks or so. Some road closures and a stop go in place! 

Stay safe. Get involved.
💚 living in Springbrook 

This week in Springbrook


👑 MONDAY September 12th
*Playgroup at the school 9am to 11am. All littilies welcome.
*Express Yourselves Kids 3.15 to 5.15pm at the hall.
*Seen any thing that TMR needs to fix, amend or change? Email them, with photos on

👑 TUESDAY September 13th
*Men's Shed is open from 9am
*Skate Park Day for school kids 3pm to 4pm. Byo wheels, parents and a snack
*SES training 7pm at the SES shed

👑 WEDNESDAY September 14th
*School Gardening Project 8.30 to 8.55am. Students and parents welcome.
*PE and Japanese at school today
*Springbrook Craft Group meet 10am at a cafe. All crafts welcome.
*SMCA general meeting 7.15pm at the hall
* Darts night at the Springbrook

👑 THURSDAY September 15th
*School Tuck Shop orders to Anastasia today for Friday lunch delivery.
*Men's Shed opens at 9am
*Footy night at the Springbrook Cafe and Bar from 5pm

👑 FRIDAY September 16th
*Informal group of Mountain Mums meet at the Fudge Shop after school drop off for a play and a chat.
*Dinner and Drinks at the Springbrook Cafe and Bar
*2nd Friday, Ladies Lunch 12pm location TBA.

👑 SATURDAY September 17th
*Men's Shed open at 9am
*Springbrook Tennis Club often meet for a hit at the courts behind the hall about 8.30am

👑 SUNDAY Sunday 18th
*Water Gum's BioBlitz based at the hall on Sunday afternoon!
*Breakfast menu at Dancing Waters Cafe 9am to 11am.
*Speedtrap Sunday. Don't forget, it's the coppers favorite day to pop up and say gidday!
* Keep an eye out for local artist Damo and drop in for a chat and buy some art work.
*Road side stall day including the sustainable fashion shop at Sophie's stall. Have a look around to see who's open today. We also have stalls at Echo Valley and  Purling Brook Farm as well.
*Dont forget the Emporium, the jam jar library and the three Book Nooks as well!  Lots to explore!

Sunday, 4 September 2022

The Springbrook Community Notices

Music Jam sessions now on in the Hall on Sundays, 3pm to 5pm. All musicians,  singers poets and music appreciators welcome. On today, all welcome. Just turn up!

With Lin heading off to Melboune for the rest of the year, we need a new book club convenor. They meet once a month at the hall or at a cafe, usually the third Wednesday from 1pm to 3pm. If your interested, let us know so we can organise it for you! 

Great website for new residents to help figure out Springbrook Have a look and see what interesting things are on it! 

The Springbrook Tennis Club are looking for a new organiser! There's even some money in tbe kitty for the people that take over. Contact Geoff or the SMCA for more details!

Check out our new Book Nook at the hall! It's bright pink. You won't miss it and grab a book or two! 

Springbrook Voices should start delivering late next week. Keep an eye on your letterbox!

The Clothing Bins have arrived at the Emporium! If you have good quality clothes that need a new home, pop them in one of the FOUR blue LifeLine Bins to the right of the Emporium and know you are doing the right thing! 

The Emporium is pretty full at the moment so lots of treasurers to be had! Pop up for a visit. You never know what you will find! Remember, if you see rubbish in the Emporium, just chuck it out!! 

Express Yourselves Kids is a new after school program running after school during term time from 3.15pm to 5.15pm on Mondays at the hall. It's $12.50 per child and they will do fun activities like games, dance, music, and craft, as well as afternoon tea. Call Laurelle on 0431 952 037 for more info or to enrol. 

The Sanctuary Stall is for sale. $500. Drop in and talk to the owners if your interested! 

Stay safe. Get involved.

💚 living in Springbrook

This week in Springbrook


🌸 MONDAY September 5th
*Playgroup at the school 9am to 11am. All littilies welcome.
*Express Yourselves Kids 3.15 to 5.15pm at the hall.
*Seen any thing that council needs to fix, amend or change? Let them know on with photos if you can!

🌸 TUESDAY September 6th
*Men's Shed is open from 9am
*Skate Park Day for school kids 3pm to 4pm. Byo wheels, parents and a snack.
*SES training 7pm at the SES shed

🌸 WEDNESDAY September 7th
*School Gardening Project 8.30 to 8.55am. Students and parents welcome.
*PE and Japanese at school today
*Springbrook Craft Group meet 10am at a local cafe. All crafts welcome.
*Darts night at the Springbrook Cafe and Bar, 6pm.

🌸 THURSDAY September 8th
*School Tuck Shop orders to Anastasia today for Friday lunch delivery.
*Men's Shed opens at 9am.
*Springbrook Community Library open at the hall, 1pm to 3pm.
*Footy night at the Springbrook Cafe and Bar from 6pm

🌸 FRIDAY September 9th
*Informal group of Mountain Mums meet at the Fudge Shop after school drop off for a play and a chat.
*Passion Projects at the School today!
*Dinner and Drinks at the Springbrook Cafe and Bar.

🌸 SATURDAY September 10th
*Men's Shed open at 9am
*Springbrook Tennis Club often meet for a hit at the courts behind the hall about 8.30am

🌸 SUNDAY September 11th
*Breakfast menu at Dancing Waters Cafe.
*Speedtrap Sunday. Don't forget, it's the coppers favorite day to pop up and say gidday!
* Keep an eye out for local artist Damo and drop in for a chat and buy some art work.
*Road side stall day including the sustainable fashion hut at Sophie's stall. Have a look around to see who's open today. Don't forget The Emporium and the three Book Nooks. Lots to explore!