Sunday, 27 February 2022

The Springbrook Community Notices


Purling Brook Falls track and the Warrie Circuit are closed. Very unsafe on the tracks due to fallen trees, swollen creeks and slippery tracks. Please respect the sign so our emergency crews don't need to rescue you today! 

Front Road is currently flooded. Check the Austinville Causeway app before leaving. Mudgeeraba roads by the sports fields and shops are also flooded. The back road is your best bet, but take it easy and watch out for hazards. Put it in your phone now! 

The Purling Brook causeway is under and over repeatedly at the moment. Please don't risk it. Use Lyrebird Ridge Road instead. No one will know if you get swept off and you've gone over the cascades...

If its flooded. Forget it.

All our activities this week will be rain dependant. Please check with the group convenor before leaving home. 

Springbrook Voices is at the Printers! Deliveries should start next week! 

First day of Autumn next week! We should start feeling the chill in the air soon and notice the rain slowing! 

Please check on your neighbours, family and friends and offer support. We all have a bit of cabin fever and a bit of suppressed annoyance with Mother Nature at the moment...πŸ˜ͺ

Once this rain event is over, council need a list of pot holes, trees on roads and a bit of a to do list from us. An email to our councillors office is the best way to report these. 

Stay safe. Look out for each other. Don't do anything daft. 

πŸ’š living in Springbrook

This week in Springbrook

*All activities subject to rain this week. Please check with the convener before turning up. 

☔ MONDAY Feb 28th

*Playgroup at the school 9am to 11am.

*Gong Yoga Pilates with Tanja. Call 0403655860 to confirm attendance. 

*Yoga with Janie at the Hall 5.30pm to 6.30pm

*Seen any thing that council needs to fix, amend or change? Let them know on with photos if you can! 

☔ TUESDAY March 1st

*1st Day of Autumn πŸ‚ 

*Men's Shed is open from 9am

*Skate Park Day for school kids 3pm to 4pm. Byo wheels, parents and a snack

*Perisai Diri Silat is on at 6pm at the Hall.

*SES training 7pm at the SES shed 

☔ WEDNESDAY March 2nd

*School Gardening Project 8.30 to 8.55am. Students and parents welcome.

*PE and Japanese at school today

*Springbrook Craft Group meet 10am at the Fudge Shop. All crafts welcome.

*Gong Yoga pilates with Tanja 6pm at the Hall call 0403655860 to confirm attendance. 

☔ THURSDAY March 3rd

*School Tuck Shop orders to Anastasia today for Friday lunch delivery.

*Men's Shed opens at 9am.

*Perisai Diri Silat, 6pm at the Hall. 

☔ FRIDAY March 4th

*School Library Day

*Informal group of Mountain Mums meet at the Fudge Shop after school drop off for a play and a chat. 

*Dinner, Drinks and Raffles at the Springbrook Cafe and Bar, 7pm draw. 

☔ SATURDAY March 7th

*Men's Shed open at 9am

*Springbrook Tennis Club often meet for a hit at the courts behind the hall about 8.30am 

☔ SUNDAY March 8th

*Breakfast menu at Dancing 

*Speedtrap Sunday. Don't forget, it's the coppers favorite day to pop up and say gidday! 

* Keep an eye out for local artist Damo and drop in for a chat and buy some art work.

*Road side stall day including the community seed bank seedlings and the sustainable fashion shop at Sophie's stall. Have a look around to see who's open today. We also have stalls at Echo Valley, the Sanctuary, plus The Emporium and the three Book Nooks. Lots to explore!

Keep an eye on each other. Stay safe. 

πŸ’š living in Springbrook

Sunday, 20 February 2022

The Springbrook Community Notices


Emily McGuire! Coming to Springbrook Hall on Friday, April 8th! Tickets online at If you like Festival of Small Halls you'll love Emily Maguire! 

Don't forget the council is giving away free trees! Grab your rates notice and check out the instructions or google CoGC free trees! 

Welcome to our new residents! Interesting time of the year/cycle to arrive! Enjoy the rain and the full tanks for now and look forward to our cold winter, drought and firewood finding season around the corner! is a good source of info for new residents. 

Last day to get your Voices contributions in! 

Great to see locals taking it easy on the roads. They are still pretty slippery. Remember to check the one way at the Water Trough before you enter...

Have you got your pets tick and flea treatment upto date? It really helps with leeches too! 

Community Cuppa this Friday!! 10.30am at the Springbrook Cafe and Bar on Forestry Rd. All residents welcome, especially new ones. Buy your own cuppa and then chat away the morning with a game of musical chairs so you catch up with everyone! 

If you have articles or an advertisement for The Hinterlander newspaper that's due out for the first time next month, now is the time to secure your spot! 

Check out our local produce stalls and their goodies today before the visitors grab it all! 

The Springbrook water zoom meeting was very interesting for those who don't know much about it. As soon as we have the link to the recoding, we will let you know! 

Go easy on the rat bait. Poisoned rats get eaten by snakes, owls and kookaburras and kills them too...

P&C AGM is Thursday March 17th, 8.30am at the school. 

Stay safe. Be kind. Take it easy on the roads. 

πŸ’š living in Springbrook 

This week in Springbrook


🌳 MONDAY Feb 21st
*School Library Day
*Fudge Shop closed
*Playgroup at the school 9am to 11am. All littilies welcome.
*Yoga at the Hall 5.30pm to 6.30pm
*Seen any thing that council needs to fix, amend or change? Let them know on with photos if you can!

🌳 TUESDAY Feb 22nd
*Dancing Waters Closed
*Men's Shed is open from 9am
*Skate Park Day for school kids 3pm to 4pm. Byo wheels, parents and a snack
*Perisai Diri Silat is on at 6pm at the Hall.
*SES training 7pm at the SES shed

🌳 WEDNESDAY Feb 23rd
*School Gardening Project 8.30 to 8.55am. Students and parents welcome.
*PE and Japanese at school today.
*Springbrook Craft Group meet 10am at the Fudge Shop. All crafts welcome.

🌳 THURSDAY Feb 24th
*School Tuck Shop orders to Anastasia today for Friday lunch delivery.
*Men's Shed opens at 9am.
*Perisai Diri Silat is on at 6pm at the Hall.

🌳 FRIDAY Feb 25th
*Informal group of Mountain Mums meet at the Fudge Shop after school drop off for a play and a chat.
*Dinner, Drinks and Raffles at the Springbrook Cafe and Bar, 7pm draw.
*Community cuppa 10.30pm at the Springbrook Cafe and Bar

🌳 SATURDAY Feb 27th
*Men's Shed open at 9am
*Springbrook Tennis Club often meet for a hit at the courts behind the hall about 8.30am

🌳 SUNDAY Feb 28th
*Breakfast menu at Dancing Waters Cafe 9am to 11am.
*4th Sunday, Anglican Church Service 10.30am at the Observatory
*Speedtrap Sunday. Don't forget, it's the coppers favorite day to pop up and say gidday!
* Keep an eye out for local artist Damo and drop in for a chat and buy some art work.
*Road side stall day including the community seed bank seedlings and the sustainable fashion shop at Sophie's stall. Have a look around to see who's open today. We also have stalls at Echo Valley, the Sanctuary, Velvet Downs Rd plus The Emporium and the two Book Nooks. Lots to explore!

Sunday, 13 February 2022

This week in Springbrook


❤ MONDAY 14th Feb
*School Library Day
*Playgroup starts next week.
*Yoga at the Hall 5.30pm to 6.30pm
*Something been bugging you? Maybe write to the organisation or department involved and let them know. They cant fix what they dont know about!

🧑 TUESDAY 15th Feb
*Skate Park Day for school kids 3pm to 4pm. Byo wheels, parents and a snack
*Perisai Diri Silat is on at 6pm at the Hall.
*SES training 7pm at the SES shed

πŸ’› WEDNESDAY 16th Feb
*School Gardening Project 8.30 to 8.55am. Students and parents welcome.
*PE and Japanese at school today
*Springbrook Craft Group meet 10am at the Fudge Shop. All crafts welcome.
*Ambulance training 3rd Wednesday

πŸ’š THURSDAY 17th Feb
*School Tuck Shop orders to Anastasia today for Friday lunch delivery.
*Perisai Diri Silat is on at 6pm at the Hall.

πŸ’™ FRIDAY 18th Feb
*Informal group of Mountain Mums meet at the Fudge Shop after school drop off for a play and a chat.
*Dinner, Drinks and  Raffles at the Springbrook Cafe and Bar, 7pm draw.

πŸ’œ SATURDAY 19th Feb
*Springbrook Tennis Club often meet for a hit at the courts behind the hall about 8.30am
*Dance how you feel dance session, 3.30pm to 4.30pm at the hall. Just turn up!

*Springbrook Supper Club Mid Summer nights dream dinner at the hall.

🀍 SUNDAY 20th Feb
*Breakfast menu at Dancing Waters Cafe 9am to 11am.
*3rd Sunday Weedbuster meet 9am to 11am at the Settlement.
*Speedtrap Sunday. Don't forget, it's the coppers favorite day to pop up and say gidday!
* Keep an eye out for local artist Damo and drop in for a chat and buy some art work.
*Road side stall day including the community seed bank seedlings and the sustainable fashion shop at Sophie's stall. Have a look around to see who's open today. Stalls at Echo Valley, The Sanctuary and Velvert Downs Rd. 

The Springbrook Community Notices


Don't forget Councils Valentines present for Springbrook! Yes! The Furniture Pod will be open from 9am to 12pm tomorrow, Monday, Feb 14th to drop off good quality furniture to donate to Endeavour! 

Since Council will be here on Monday, it might be a good idea to tidy up the Emporium if you are there at all today. Not a facility we want to lose! 

Welcome to the world, Ocean, Aster and Arthur! It's lovely to have you start your lives here in Springbrook in our wonderful wee community. Congratulations to all the parents involved. We can't wait to meet them all! 

Dance how you feel next Saturday 3.30pm to 4.30pm at the hall! 

Springbrook Supper Clubs mid summer nights dream dinner is next weekend, Sat 19th Feb. Talk to Angi if you are interested. 0413101582 

Springbrook Voices deadline is just a week away! Sunday Feb 20th. Don't miss out! 

The Hinterlander, Beechmonts new old newspaper also has a deadline coming up. Get your contribution in by COB on Friday, Feb 25th if you want to make the historic first edition! 

Weedbusters meet the third Sunday of the month at the Settlement, that's next weekend, 9am to 11am. See you there! 

Janies Yoga starts up again TOMORROW, Monday Feb 14th! 

Save the date March 26th for the P&Cs Trivia night...

School Gardening starts again on Wednesday mornings, 8.30am. Parents, students and siblings welcome! 

We are thinking of holding another Repair Cafe at the hall. Watch this space! 

Lots of accidents on the roads still. Take it easy. It's still slippery out there. Does your insurance cover a crane to remove your car from over the edge? 

Don't forget to report your favourite pot hole to Council or TMR. They cant fix what they dont know about! 

Stay safe. Be kind. Slow down. 

πŸ’š living in Springbrook 

Sunday, 6 February 2022

This week in Springbrook and the Springbrook Community Notices


Happy Waitangi day to all the Kiwis on the mountain! πŸ‰πŸ†πŸ₯πŸ‡πŸ‘πŸ©΄πŸ«πŸ”πŸ„πŸ”‘πŸŸ€

The Furniture Pod (The big blue container at the tip) will be open on MONDAY, FEB 14TH from 9am to 12pm to donate all your furniture to!! Yay, nice easy date to remember. Just drop in with any good quality chairs, tables, cupboards desks, cabinets and they will pack it into the container and Endeavour will take it away to be sold in their shops. Win, win for everyone!

Springbrook Supper Club!  First meal, Saturday Feb 19th 6.30 for 7pm at the Hall. $50 per person. 2 courses plus appetisers. Contact Angi to book or for more detail. 0413101582

The Hinterlander newspaper is looking for submissions from locals to help get their first edition off the ground. Send your articles, ads, and ideas to and be part of a new era in the Hinterland!

The Formosa
Lilly, featured in this post is another evil weed on the mountain. Pull it out by the bulb and throw into your waste bin not the green bins at the tip.

Pop in and support our local cafes during the week. It's a great time to catch up and see how they are going!

Springbrook Voices deadline is Monday, Feb 20th for contributions and articles!

🌳Mon Feb 7th
*Schools back!
*Tanjas gong Yoga, 10am at the hall.

🌳Tues Feb 8th
*Skate Park Day 3pm to 4pm
*Perisai Diri Silat, 6pm at the hall.
*SES training 7pm at the Shed behind the hall.

🌳Wed Feb 9th
*Craft Group, 10am at the Fudge Shop
*Book Club 1pm to 3pm at the hall. Library open too!
*SMCA general meeting at the hall. Guest speaker, Ros Bates.

🌳Thurs Feb 10th
*Talk tuckshop with Anastasia
*Perisai Diri Silat 6pm at the Hall.

🌳Fri Feb 11th
*Mountaim Mums meet at the Fudge Shop for a coffee and a chat after school drop off.
*Ladies Lunch! 12pm. Location to be announced.
*Dinner, Drinks and Meat Tray Raffles at the Springbrook Cafe and Bar.

🌳Sat Feb 12th
*Tennis anyone? 8.30am at the courts behind the hall.
*Road side stall day.

🌳Sun Feb 13th
*Breakfast Menu at Dancing Waters Cafe!

Stay safe. Slow down.
πŸ’š living in Springbrook