Sunday, 21 November 2021

The Springbrook Community Notices


Weedbusters last meeting, weed ID and weed pull for 2021 is on at the Settlement this morning, 9am to 11am. Bring your weeds for ID, bring a coffee, bring the kids! 

The next Springbrook Markets will be on November 28th at the Fudge Shop from 10am. Call Java at the Fudge Shop for more info. 

The SMCA, the Mens Shed and the school will be holding a joint low key Christmas Gathering on Dec 4th from 4pm at the Mens Shed. Pop it in your diary. More info to come! 

The Springbrook Community Library and the book club will meet on Thursday at 1pm at the hall. You can collect books, read books and talk books over a coffee if you'd like to! 

Remember to report Hoon activities as they happen. The more reports the Police get, the more resources they can throw at this issue! 

Looks like the Emporium and the Furniture Pod will open on November 29th. Not long to go before our Emporium opens formally and we can start passing things around amongst ourselves and keep good things out of land fill!! 

There quite a number of people who haven't sent their regular contributions to Springbrook Voices. Please make an effort to get them in before the end of the weekend! 

With the summer influx of visitors starting to arrive on the mountain, remember to lock your house and cars up each time you leave them... Bins on the road, especially for airbnbs is a great way to tell the baddies you're not living in the house...

Lots of groups will start winding up in December for the Christmas Holiday break. Remember to check with your group to see when your start and finish dates will be! 

Chamber of Commerce meeting on next Tuesday night, 7.30pm at the hall. Details from Ash or Rozie. 

School Swimming Carival next Friday afternoon at the Mudgeeraba Pool! Can't wait to hear how it goes! 

P&C meeting next week. Chat to Anastasia, Laura or Sue for details! 

Stay safe. Get involved.

💚 living in Springbrook 

This week in Springbrook


🍓MONDAY 22nd November 

*School Library Day

*School swimming lessons all week!:

*Playgroup at the school 9am to 11am. All littilies welcome.

*Yoga at the Hall 5.30pm to 6.30pm

*Seen any thing that council needs to fix, amend or change? Let them know on with photos if you can! 

🥝TUESDAY 23rd November 

*Bek's PT session at the hall, 6.30am.

*Men's Shed is open from 9am

*Skate Park Day for school kids 3pm to 4pm. Byo wheels, parents and a snack

* Beks PT boot camp session, 5.45pm at the hall. 

*Perisai Diri Silat is on at 6pm at the Hall.

*SES training 7pm at the SES shed

*Chamber of Commerce AGM, 7.30pm at the hall. 

🍎WEDNESDAY 24th November 

*Bek's PT session at the hall, 9.30am

*School Gardening Project 8.30 to 8.55am. Students and parents welcome.

*PE and Japanese at school today.

*Springbrook Craft Group meet 10am at the Fudge Shop. All crafts welcome. 

🍒THURSDAY 25th November 

*School Tuck Shop orders to Anastasia today for Friday lunch delivery.

*Men's Shed opens at 9am.

*Springbrook Community Library open, 11.30am to 3pm.

*Perisai Diri Silat is on at 6pm at the Hall. 

🍊FRIDAY 26th November 

*Swimming Carnival today for the Seniors! 

*Last day for donations to the P&C Christmas Hamper raffle! 

*Informal group of Mountain Mums meet at the Fudge Shop after school drop off for a play and a chat. 

*Meat Tray raffles at the Springbrook Cafe and Bar, 7pm draw. 

*Last Friday, community cuppa 10.30am at Dancing Waters Cafe 

🍉SATURDAY 27th November 

*Men's Shed open at 9am

*Springbrook Tennis Club often meet for a hit at the courts behind the hall about 8.30am. 

🍇SUNDAY 28th November 

*Breakfast menu at Dancing Waters Cafe 9am to 11am. 

*4th Sunday, Anglican Church Service 10.30am at the Observatory 

*Speedtrap Sunday. Don't forget, it's the coppers favorite day to pop up and say gidday! 

* Keep an eye out for local artist Damo and drop in for a chat and buy some art work.

*Road side stall day including stalls at Echo Valley, the Sanctuary, Sophies Stall, the Vege Vault, Greenwood Farm plus The Emporium. 

Get involved.

💚 living in Springbrook 

Sunday, 14 November 2021

This week in Springbrook


🐌MONDAY November 15th
*School Library Day
*Beks PT boot class 7am at the hall.
*Playgroup at the school 9am to 11am. All littilies welcome.
*Yoga at the Hall 5.30pm to 6.30pm
*Something been bugging you? Maybe write to the organisation or department involved and let them know. They cant fix what they dont know about!

🦎TUESDAY November 16th
*Bek's PT session at the hall, 6.30am.
*Men's Shed is open from 9am
*Skate Park Day for school kids 3pm to 4pm. Byo wheels, parents and a snack
*Perisai Diri Silat is on at 6pm at the Hall.
*SES training 7pm at the SES shed

🦋WEDNESDAY November 17th
*School Gardening Project 8.30 to 8.55am. Students and parents welcome.
*PE and Japanese at school today
*Springbrook Craft Group meet 10am at the Fudge Shop. All crafts welcome.
*Bek's PT session at the hall, 5.45pm
*Ambulance training

🐛THURSDAY November 18th
*School Tuck Shop orders to Anastasia today for Friday lunch delivery.
*Prep playdate today!
*Men's Shed opens at 9am.
*Book Club 1pm and Springbrook Community Library open at the hall, 1pm to 3pm.
*Perisai Diri Silat, 6pm at the Hall.

🐞FRIDAY November 19th
*Informal group of Mountain Mums meet at the Fudge Shop after school drop off for a play and a chat.
*Swimming lessons start today!!!
*Meat Tray raffles at the Springbrook Cafe and Bar, 7pm draw.

🪱SATURDAY November 20th
*Men's Shed open at 9am for a BBQ breakfast with the AGM at 10am.
*Springbrook Tennis Club often meet for a hit at the courts behind the hall about 8.30am.

🐝SUNDAY November 21st
*Breakfast menu at Dancing Waters Cafe 9am to 11am.
*Weedbuster meet 9am to 11am at the Settlement.
*Local musicians meet for an open mic and jam session, 2pm at the hall. All welcome. Just turn up!
*Speedtrap Sunday. Don't forget, it's the coppers favorite day to pop up and say gidday!
* Keep an eye out for local artist Damo and drop in for a chat and buy some art work.
*Road side stall day including the community seed bank seedlings and the sustainable fashion shop at Sophie's stall. Have a look around to see who's open today. We also have stalls at Echo Valley, the Sanctuary, the Vege Vault, Greenwood Farm plus The Emporium and the three Book Nooks. Lots to explore!

Get involved. 

💚 living in Springbrook 

Sunday, 7 November 2021

The Springbrook Community Notices


The Springbrook Community Notices 

Another power outage for the top of the mountain on Wednesday November 10th, 8am to 4pm again. Has anyone got notification of anymore?

SMCA AGM on Wednesday night, 7.15pm at the hall. Cr Tozer and Officer in Charge, Matt Pyke will be seeking opinions from the community. All residents welcome! 

Remembrance Day on Thursday. Ceremony at the Cenotaph starting at 11am. Please arrive at 10.45am. Residents are encouraged to attend and bring a wreath or poppy to lay. 

Springbrook Voices meeting, Friday, 10am at Pam's Place. Regulars please attend. 

Ladies lunch, this Friday, 12pm. Location to be advised.  

Free Dance and movement session at the hall this Saturday. Contact Kim for more details. 

Fudge Shop Markets, 14th and 28th Nov. Contact Java at the Fudge Shop if you would like a stall! 

School Swimming Lesson permission forms need to be back asap if you want your child to learn to swim this term! 

How are you going with the leeches? Populations seem to have bounced back after the last few dry seasons... take salt with you or use lots of repellent to dissuade them when you're in the garden! 

Roads and tracks are all pretty slippery at the moment. Please take it easy so our local volunteer emergency crews don't need to pull you up from down a cliff! 

Support our road side stalls, cafes and gem shops in the rain. Great time to catch up with them! 

Slow down. 🐌 Get involved. 

💚 living in Springbrook 

This week in Springbrook


☔ MONDAY November 8th
*School Library Day
*Fudge Shop now closed Mondays.
*Beks PT boot camp 7am at the hall
*Playgroup at the school 9am to 11am. All littilies welcome.
*Yoga at the Hall 5.30pm to 6.30pm
*Seen any thing that TMR needs to fix, amend, change or know about? Email them, with photos on

💧TUESDAY November 9th
*Beks PT boot camp session at the hall 5.30am.
*Men's Shed is open from 9am
*Skate Park Day for school kids 3pm to 4pm. Byo wheels, parents and a snack
*Perisai Diri Silat is on at 6pm at the Hall.
*SES training 7pm at the SES shed

⛈ WEDNESDAY November 10th
*School Gardening Project 8.30 to 8.55am. Students and parents welcome.
*PE and Japanese at school today
*Springbrook Craft Group meet 10am at the Fudge Shop. All crafts welcome.
*Bek's PT boot camp session at the hall 5.45pm
* SMCA general meeting 7.15pm at the hall

☂️ THURSDAY November 11th
*School Tuck Shop orders to Anastasia today for Friday lunch delivery.
*Men's Shed opens at 9am.
*REMEMBERANCE DAY Service. 10.45 at the Centotaph.
*Perisai Diri Silat is on at 6pm at the Hall.

🚣‍♀️ FRIDAY November 12th
*Informal group of Mountain Mums meet at the Fudge Shop after school drop off for a play and a chat.
*Springbrook Voices meeting 10am at Pam's place.
*Ladies Lunch, 12 pm. Location to be decided.
*Meat Tray raffles at the Springbrook Cafe and Bar, 7pm draw.

🤽 SATURDAY November 13th
*Men's Shed open at 9am
*Springbrook Tennis Club often meet for a hit at the courts behind the hall about 8.30am
*Frre dance and movement session at the hall. 10.30am.

🌧 SUNDAY November 14
*Breakfast menu at Dancing Waters Cafe 9am to 11am.
*Repair Cafe 10am to 1pm at the hall.
*Sunday Afternoon People open mic and jam session for local musicians and singers. 2pm at the hall. Just turn up!
*Speedtrap Sunday. Don't forget, it's the coppers favorite day to pop up and say gidday!
* Keep an eye out for local artist Damo and drop in for a chat and buy some art work.
*Road side stall day including the community seed bank seedlings and the sustainable fashion shop at Sophie's stall. Have a look around to see who's open today. We also have stalls at Echo Valley, the Sanctuary, Velvet Downs Rd, Greenwood Farm plus The Emporium and the three Book Nooks. Lots to explore!

Stay Safe. Slow down.

💚 living in Springbrook