Sunday, 27 June 2021

Springbrook Community Notices


The school holidays are now upon us along with the confusion of a two week Sydney lockdown. Lots of accommodation cancellations and confusion around. Keep an eye on your favourite media outlet to keep up to date with border restrictions as well.

 Not a lot happening up here on the hill for us locals during the school holidays. Great time to think about an event, group, workshop or session that you'd like to run. Hall bookings are only $13 per hour. Call 0413979291 to make your booking. 

 Ever thought of joining the SES? They are looking for new recruits and this week is the week to pop in and see what its all about and join up if you like it. It's a great crowd of people and some really interesting and varied work and training! 

 The Springbrook Community Library will be open on Wednesday at the hall from 2pm to 4pm. Please come and check out our freshly sorted library. Lots of novels and recent releases. Lots of great holiday reading!

 Lots of environmental websites about Springbrook are out there on the net. If you are into the environment,  these websites could be helpful. Many of them have social media pages too. Save our Waterfalls, Springbrook Wildlife Appreciation Group, Save our Springbrook, Cableway No way, WaterGum, Wild Care Australia, QPWS. 

 The Springbrook Craft group will continue during the holidays, 10am, each Wednesday at the Fudge Shop. Just drop in with your project and join in! 

 Springbrook Mens Shed welcomes local blokes of all ages to it regular Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday morning openings. Just pop in and say hi. Shed opens 9am. Cuppa about 10.30am. 

 Phone numbers for your phone: 

Emergency: 000 or 112 from a mobile Wildcare for injured animals 55272444 Roadkill deaths for statistic 0418454732 Trees on TMR roads 131940 Trees on Council Roads 1800637000 Hoonwatch 1800333000 Storm damage to your house SES 132500 Crime Stoppers: 1800333000 

 As we move into the school holidays, the influx of visitors to the mountain all day every day means we need to slow down a bit and keep an eye out for people who dont know our roads as well as we do! 

 Stay safe. Stay warm.

 πŸ’š living in Springbrook     

This week in Springbrook


❤ Monday June 28th
*No formal Playgroup but feel free to meet at the playground from 9am to 11am to catch up and let the kids have a play.
*Seen any abandoned, burnt out or smashed up cars over the weekend? Let council know on

🧑 TUESDAY June 29th
*Mens Shed is open from 9am
*No Perisai Diri Silat during the holidays.
*Skate Park Day for school kids 3pm to 4pm. Byo wheels, parents and a snack
*SES training 7pm at the SES shed

πŸ’› WEDNESDAY June 30th
*Springbrook Craft Group meet 10am at the Fudge Shop. All crafts welcome.

πŸ’š THURSDAY July 1st
*Mens Shed opens at 9am.
*No Perisai Diri Silat during the holidays.

πŸ’™ FRIDAY July 2nd
*Informal group of Mountain Mums meet at the Fudge Shop after school drop off for a play and a chat.
*No AA meeting on the mountain at this time.

πŸ’œ SATURDAY July 3rd
*Road side stall day! Lots of them open on the weekends including seed bank seedlings at Sophie stall.
*Mens Shed open at 9am
*Springbrook Tennis Club often meet for a hit at the courts behind the hall

🀍 SUNDAY July 4th
*Breakfast menu at Dancing Waters Cafe 9am to 11am.
*Speedtrap Sunday. Don't forget, it's the coppers favorite day to pop up and say gidday!
* Keep an eye out for local artist Damo and drop in for a chat and buy some art work.
*Road side stall day including the community seed bank seedlings and the sustainable fashion shop at Sophie's stall. Have a look around to see who's open today. We also have stalls at Echo Valley, the Sanctuary,  Greenwood Farm, plus The Emporium and the two Book Nooks. Lots to explore!

Get involved 

πŸ’š living in Springbrook

Sunday, 20 June 2021

Springbrook Community Notices


 The fire in Numinbah is still burning under the watchful gaze of the NVRFB and QPWS. They'll let us know if we need to know anything. Lots of Winter burn offs and cold air creating the smoke inversion that we see. Check out the views from our lookouts. 

 Last week of school! Get your library books back on Monday! Also, find out what the crazy thing is for Thursday and someone tell Ness! 

 Community Cuppa is on THURSDAY this week, 10.30am at Dancing Waters Cafe. Everyone welcome. Bring the babies too, we all like a cuddle! 

 AA meetings are not being held at the hall for the time being. Please check out meetings on the Coast if you are looking for one. 

 The Waste/wheelie bin/ tip issue is still ongoing. Get yourself educated on the greater picture. Check out councils website, start composting your food scraps and recycle as well as you can. Kudos to the airbnb's that offer a composting bucket. You've got the right idea! 

 The hall is available for bookings for private gatherings, kids birthday parties, meetings, workshops and other community gatherings. Book via 

 Our Winter drought is starting to have an effect. Hard to imagine we need to check our tank levels after all that Summer rain! But it might pay to get into your tank tapping routine sooner rather than later. It's about $400 a load if you have to get it carted in...

 Winter is the perfect time to book an evening in the Springbrook Observatory. Brilliant clear skies. Lots to see. Wrap up really warm! 

 Micheal has found a new home and is really grateful to live in the supportive community of Springbrook. He has been very appreciative of all the kind and generous things people have done to help him out after the fire. Call him and book him for some work today! 

 Stay safe. Get involved 

 πŸ’š living in Springbrook

This week in Springbrook

πŸ„Monday June 21st
*School Library Day
*Playgroup at the school 9am to 11am. All littilies welcome.
*Check with Janie re Yoga tonight.
*Numinbah Valley Hall meeting, 7.30pm
*Seen anything that council needs to fix?  Let them know on

🧚‍♀️TUESDAY June 22nd
*Yoga with Helen 9am at her studio, 1947 Springbrook Rd
*Mens Shed is open from 9am
*Perisai Diri Silat is on at 6pm at the Hall.
*Skate Park Day for school kids 3pm to 4pm. Byo wheels, parents and a snack
*SES training 7pm at the SES shed

πŸ„WEDNESDAY June 23rd
*School Gardening Project 8.30 to 8.55am. Students and parents welcome.
*PE and Japanese at school today
*Springbrook Craft Group meet 10am at the Fudge Shop. All crafts welcome.

🧚THURSDAY June 24th
*Crazy something day at school today!?
*School Tuck Shop orders to Anastasia today for Friday lunch delivery.
*Mens Shed opens at 9am.
*COMMUNITY CUPPA at Dancing Waters Cafe 10.30am. All welcome
*Yoga with Helen, 9am at her studio, 1947 Springbrook Rd.
*Perisai Diri Silat is on at 6pm at the Hall.

πŸ„FRIDAY June 25th
*Last day of Term!
*Food Scrap Friday Community Composting. 8am-8.30am at the front gate of the school. Bring your bucket to be weighed and emptied into the schools composting system.
*P&C bottle top and toothbrush fundraising and recycling collecting day. Drop to the front gate of the school 8.30am to 9am any Friday.
*School Banking and Music today!
*Informal group of Mountain Mums meet at the Fudge Shop after school drop off for a play and a chat.
*AA meeting currently not running at the hall.

🧚‍♂️SATURDAY June 27th
*Road side stall day! Lots of them open on the weekends including seed bank seedlings at Sophie stall.
*Mens Shed open at 9am
*Springbrook Tennis Club often meet for a hit at the courts behind the hall
πŸ„SUNDAY June 28th
*Breakfast menu at Dancing Waters Cafe 9am to 11am.
*4th Sunday, Anglican Church service, 10.30am at the Observatory.
*Speedtrap Sunday. Don't forget, it's the coppers favorite day to pop up and say gidday!
* Keep an eye out for local artist Damo and drop in for a chat and buy some art work.
*Road side stall day plus a good day to check out The Emporium, the two Book Nooks and the jam jar library. Lots to explore!

Get involved.

πŸ’š living in Springbrook 


Sunday, 13 June 2021

Springbrook Community Notices


SMCA meeting with Cr Glenn Tozer and a Waste Management Officer to talk about the bins and waste levy, Wednesday, June 16th, 7.15pm at the hall. All welcome. Please leave tar and feathers at home. 😊 

 Want to help the P&C fundraise? They are looking for some baked goodies to sell on Wednesday at the interschool Cross Country. Deliver your goodies on Tuesday to the school at pick up time, individually wrapped with an ingredient list and help get a bigger better playground for the seniors! 

 Cuban Dance returns to the Springbrook Community Hall on Saturday night! $15 prepaid, $20 at the door. Contact Christina or Rhythmmm for more detail! 

 The Springbrook Community Holistic Heath team is conducting FREE community health checks on Sunday June 20th, 9am to 12pm at the hall. Book for free 15 minute consultation with a variety of practitioners and enjoy a fundraising breakfast and support our P&C! More detail to come! 

 The Mens Shed is doing a Sausage Sizzle on Friday afternoon behind the hall, from 4pm for those who want to enjoy a bit of late afternoon Winter Sunshine and some company. Standard prices apply. Bring the kids! 

 School Cross Country event on Wednesday with our small school competing against other small schools. Lots of strange cars around the school on Wednesday so keep the speed down in the area all day please!

 Weedbusters are back at the Settlement next weekend making a difference to our park in more ways than one. Ever wanted to express your views on all things park related? All you have to do is come and pull a few weeds and you'll have the ear of local Rangers to bend... 😁 

 Only a fortnight since Micheals Fire. Please continue to support a local who's had a rough trot. Catch up with him for a beer, offer him work and donate to the fire fund at the Gem Shop or the Fudge Shop. 

 Karma Krypt, our local fashion house, has Winter hoodies available in a range of colours and styles down at the Fudge Shop. Get yours today! 

 Stay safe. Get involved. 

 πŸ’š living in Springbrook

This week in Springbrook


🧸 Monday June 14th 

*School Library Day 

*Playgroup at the school 9am to 11am. 

*Please check with Janie re Yoga arrangements for tonight. 

*Something been bugging you? Maybe write to the organisation or department involved and let them know. They cant fix what they dont know about! 

 πŸ›΄ TUESDAY June 15th 

*School excursion leaving at 8am. Don't be late! 

 *Yoga with Helen is cancelled as she has another week in NZ still. 

 *Men's Shed is open from 9am 

*Perisai Diri Silat is back on at 6pm at the Hall. 

*Skate Park Day for school kids 3pm to 4pm. 

*SES training 7pm at the SES shed 

*Bake sale goodies to the school gate at 3pm please. 

 πŸͺ‚ WEDNESDAY June 16th 

*School Gardening Project 8.30am to 8.55am. Students and parents welcome. 

*Cross Country Day today at school! 

*Springbrook Craft Group meet 10am at the Fudge Shop. All crafts welcome. 

*SMCA meeting with Cr Glenn Tozer and a Waste Management Officer in attendance to answer all our bin questions. All welcome. 

🎑 THURSDAY June 17th 

*School Tuck Shop orders to Anastasia today for Friday lunch delivery. 

*Men's Shed opens at 9am. 

*Helen Yoga not on today. 

 *Perisai Diri Silat, 6pm at the Hall. 

 πŸ›Ό FRIDAY June 18th 

*Food Scrap Friday Community Composting. 8am-8.30am at the front gate of the school.

*P&C bottle top and toothbrush fundraising and recycling collecting day. Drop to the front gate of the school 8.30am to 9am any Friday. 

*School Banking and Music today! 

 *Informal group of Mountain Mums meet at the Fudge Shop after school drop off for a play and a chat. 

 *Passion Projects 2-3pm at the school. *

AA meet at the hall 4.30pm. 

*Men's Shed Sausage Sizzle, 4pm behind the hall. 

 πŸ’ƒ SATURDAY June 19th 

*Men's Shed open at 9am 

*Springbrook Tennis Club often meet for a hit at the courts behind the hall 

*Cuban Dance, 6pm at the Hall. 

 πŸ© SUNDAY June 20th 

*Breakfast menu at Dancing Waters Cafe 9am to 11am. 

 *Springbrook Weedbusters meet 8am to 10am at the Settlement to bust weeds and learn weed identification. Everyone welcome. 

 *FREE Holistic Heath Check, 9am to 12pm at the hall. *Look out for Damo! 

 *Road side Stall day! 

 πŸ’š living in Springbrook

Sunday, 6 June 2021

Springbrook Community Notices

Lots to read up on about our waste levy, bins, trucks and facilities. Most of us will have got a notice by now regarding this. Get onto the councils website and read the newspaper articles and get informed. We will bring you more information as it comes to hand. 

 Ladies Lunch this Friday, 11.30am, June 11th. More detail to come. Pop it in your diary. 

 The SMCA meeting will defer to the following week for the State of Origin game this Wednesday. Check your fridge calander. Its right! 

 John Williamson is having a concert here on the mountain on the NSW long weekend, 13 & 14th June. Book your tickets on and take the opportunity to see a local legend perform here in Paradise! 

 P&C meeting on Thursday, 8.30am in the Music Room at the School. Great to see as many parents and citizens there as possible! 

The Hall should reopen on Wednesday! The solar panel people will be collecting the panels on Tuesday and taking them away for cleaning and testing. The hall floors will be getting a bit if a clean and then we are good to go. It will be good to have her back in use again! 

 Seen lots of people with hi-vis vests hanging around our new footpath area. Hopefully work will start anytime soon on stage one. Stage two is a while away (but due to be completed in the 21-22 financial year) due to its "tricky nature". Keep your eyes peeled! 

Great to see donations coming in for Micheals fire relief! You can donate at the Fudge Shop, the Gem Shop or direct to the SMCA account SMCA Inc. Acc #  12155586 BSB.  638070 Get hold of Micheal and say hi and check with him personally as to what you can do for him as well. It's been a huge week for him... 

 The FREE Holistic Heath check is coming again to Springbrook! June 20th, 9am to 12pm at the hall. Free 15 min consultations with our local healers and practitioners. More detail to come. Look out for posters around the place. 

 Stay safe. Talk to your community. 
 πŸ’š living in Springbrook  

This week in Springbrook


 πŸ· Monday June 7th
*School Library Day
*Playgroup at the school 9am to 11am. All littilies welcome.
*Please contact Janie regarding Yoga arrangements for tonight.
*Seen any incredible parking antics over the weekend? Send photos and car counts to

🍺 TUESDAY June 8th
*Yoga with Helen 9am at her studio, 1947 Springbrook Rd
*Men's Shed is open from 9am
*Perisai Diri Silat is on at 6pm at the Hall.
*Skate Park Day for school kids 3pm to 4pm. Byo wheels, parents and a snack
*SES training 7pm at the SES shed

πŸ₯ƒ WEDNESDAY June 9th
*School Gardening Project 8.30 to 8.55am. Students and parents welcome.
*PE and Japanese at school today
*Springbrook Craft Group meet 10am at the Fudge Shop. All crafts welcome.
*SMCA general meeting is NEXT WEEK due to the State of Origin game.
* State of Origin Game. Go Queensland!

🍾 THURSDAY June 10th
*School Tuck Shop orders to Anastasia today for Friday lunch delivery.
*P&C meeting, 8.30am in the Music Room at the school.
*Men's Shed opens at 9am.
*Yoga with Helen, 9.30am at her studio, 1947 Springbrook Rd
*Perisai Diri Silat is on at 6pm at the Hall.

🍻 FRIDAY June 11th
*Food Scrap Friday Community Composting. 8am-8.30am at the front gate of the school. Bring your bucket to be weighed and emptied into the schools composting system.
*P&C bottle top and toothbrush fundraising and recycling collecting day. Drop to the front gate of the school 8.30am to 9am any Friday.
*School Banking and Music today!
*Informal group of Mountain Mums meet at the Fudge Shop after school drop off for a play and a chat.
*Ladies Lunch, 11.30am venue to be advised!
*AA meet at the hall 4.30pm.
*Ladies Lunch 11.30am at various cafes on a rotating roster

🍹 SATURDAY June 12th
*Men's Shed open at 9am
*Springbrook Tennis Club often meet for a hit at the courts behind the hall about 8.30am

🍸 SUNDAY June 13th
*Breakfast menu at Dancing Waters Cafe 9am to 11am.
*Greens orders on hold for a few more weeks while the greens grow!
*Speedtrap Sunday. Don't forget, it's the coppers favorite day to pop up and say gidday!
* Keep an eye out for local artist Damo and drop in for a chat and buy some art work.
*Road side stall day including the community seed bank seedlings and the sustainable fashion shop at Sophie's stall. Have a look around to see who's open today. We also have stalls at Echo Valley, the Sanctuary and  Greenwood Farm plus The Emporium and the two Book Nooks. Lots to explore!